Exploring Other Ways to Monetize Your Leads

Here are other ways to monetize your leads:

  • Sell the leads to buyers such as call centers and Pay Per Call networks.

Visit PayPerCallNetworks.com and OfferVault.com to search for Pay Per Call networks.

Some of the most popular networks are:

  • Palo

  • Aragon

  • eLocal

  • GlobalWide Media

  • RingPartners

  • Astoria

  • HyperTarget

  • Start building a CRM with consumer profiles and aggregate as much data as possible into the profile. Then, sell the leads either on a fixed price or ping post so you can make the most per lead.

  • Send calls to overflow. The way it works is if we're at concurrency cap or if calls just can't get connected to a direct buyer, it goes into an overflow. That overflow goes to a call center and that call center if they convert that call into a closed deal then you get paid out $100 on that.