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How to integrate trustedforms with UNiK360

Copy paste the code below : <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var field = 'xxTrustedFormCertUrl'; var provideReferrer = false; var invertFieldSensitivity = false; var tf = document.createElement('script'); tf.type = 'text/javascript'; tf.async = true; tf.src = 'http' + ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 's' : '') + '://api.trustedform.com/trustedform.js?provide_referrer=' + escape(provideReferrer) + '&field=' + escape(field) + '&l='+new Date().getTime()+Mat...

How to integrate Jornaya with UNiK360

Code to copy below Jornaya Script : <input id="leadid_token" name="leadid_token" type="hidden" value="" /> <script> // starts a loop with interval of 500ms var loop = setInterval(getToken, 500) function getToken() { var leadId = document.getElementById('leadid_token').value; // check if token has been generated if (leadId){ console.log(leadId); document.querySelector('[data-q="leadid_token"]').value = leadId; document.querySelector('[data-q="leadid_token"]').dispatchEven...

UNiK360 Merge Tags & Variables

Contact > [Text] > Full name: {{contact.name}} Contact > First name: {{contact.first_name}} Contact > Last name: {{contact.last_name}} Contact > Email: {{contact.email}} Contact > Phone: {{contact.phone}} or **{{contact.phone_raw}} Contact > Phone (Recommended for trigger links & UTM): Tel:{{contact.phone_raw}} Contact > Company name: {{contact.company_name}} Contact > Full Address: {{contact.full_address}} Contact > Address 1: {{contact.address1}} Contact ...

How to prepop / pre populate urls in UNiK360

Click here to get all the variables and mege tags of UNiK360 (https://unikmedia.ladesk.com/805537-UNiK360-Merge-Tags--Variables)

How to forward www version of your domain to non www version of your domain

How To Cancel UNIK360 Subscription

Advanced UTM tracking & Facebook CAPI without a form in UNIK360

Video coming soon

How to implement logic to quizzes in UMG Quiz Builder

UNIK360 Domains 101

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