About "Learning Limited" and How to Fix It

If your ad set is not getting enough optimization events to exit the learning phase, you’ll see “Learning Limited” under the Delivery column. It’s an indication that your budget is not being spent effectively because the delivery system can’t optimize performance with your current setup.  This happens when your ad set is unlikely to receive around 50 optimization events in the week after your last significant edit. This can also happen any time after creating an ad set.


Generally, an ad set becomes Learning Limited when the ad set is limited by small audience size, low budget, low bid or cost control, high auction overlap, an infrequent optimization event, or other issues such as running too many ads at the same time. 


How to fix


There are numerous ways to fix Learning Limited ad sets to improve performance.

  • Combine ads sets and campaigns. Combining ad sets and campaigns will help you get the results you need faster, which means you’ll see stable results sooner.

  • Widen your audience. The larger the audience, the more opportunities for people to complete your optimization event.

  • Increase your budget. If your budget is too small to receive around 50 optimization events, the ad set is unlikely to exit the learning phase.

  • Increase your bid or cost control. If your bid or cost control is too small to receive around 50 optimization events, the ad set is unlikely to exit the learning phase.

  • Change your optimization event. Consider picking an optimization event that occurs more frequently.


Once a Learning Limited ad set receives 50 optimization events after your last significant edit, the status will change from ‘Learning Limited’ to ‘Active’.