Analyze & Optimize Your Campaign's Performance

Return on Ads Spending (ROAS)

ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) measures how much revenue is generated for every dollar spent. It is the most important number to watch in gauging your campaign's success. Facebook ROAS lets you evaluate if your ads are working if they’re a good return on investment. ROAS = Total Revenue generated from your ad divided by your total ad spend. For example: Revenue generated by the campaign $12,000 Total ad campaign spend / $3,000 ROAS 4 This shows us that for every $1 we spent on advertis...

About "Learning Limited" and How to Fix It

If your ad set is not getting enough optimization events to exit the learning phase, you’ll see “Learning Limited” under the Delivery column. It’s an indication that your budget is not being spent effectively because the delivery system can’t optimize performance with your current setup. This happens when your ad set is unlikely to receive around 50 optimization events in the week after your last significant edit. This can also happen any time after creating an ad set. Generally, an ad set beco...

How to Get the Post ID of a Winning Ad

Here you will learn how to grab the post ID of a winning ad. - Log in to your Ads Manager. - Go to the Ads tab. - Make sure to filter the results for the last 7 days. - Check the Results column to see which ad has the most results(calls). - Click on the ad and underneath the name, click on View Charts. - On the pop-up window, go to Ad Preview & Comments and click on the Share button. - Click on Facebook Post with Comments. ...

How to Find Your Ad Account ID Number

You can find your Ad account ID number in: - account dropdown menu in Ads Manager - browser's address bar in Ads Manager Find your Ad Account ID (Account Dropdown Menu) - Go to Ads Manager. - Your ad account ID number is shown above the search and filter bar, in the account dropdown menu. Find your Ad Account ID in the Address Bar - Go to Ads Manager. - Find the number in your browser's address bar. If you have trouble locating your ad account ID in the address ...

Best Practices for A/B Testing

A/B Testing compares different versions of your ads so you can see what works best and use that to improve future campaigns. These are best practices for Facebook A/B Testing: - Test only one variable for more conclusive results You will have more conclusive results for your test if your ad sets are identical except for the variable that you're testing. - Focus on a measurable hypothesis Once you figure out what you want to test, create a testable hypothesis that enables y...

Five tips for getting the most out of the Audience Network

The audience network allows you to reach Facebook users when they aren’t on Facebook, and even allows you to reach people who are not Facebook members at all. With Audience Network, publishers can make money by showing ads from Facebook advertisers in their apps. In order to manage your monetization with Audience Network, you’ll need to set up Monetization Manager. This helps you manage your apps and ad placements, understand your performance and optimize your revenue in one place. Some ...

When do we need multiple Facebook Pixels?

The only time you need multiple Facebook Pixels is if you have websites with very different audiences. In that case, it is ideal to have different Pixels so that if Facebook is trying to optimize your conversions they know what type of person is typically opting in to your lead magnet or purchasing your product.

How many Facebook pixels should I have per vertical?

We recommend having one pixel for each vertical. Here are the advantages of having only one pixel: - It will simplify your ad creation – you aren’t having to choose which pixel you are optimizing around. - You get better results when the Pixel is “seasoned” with more traffic. Facebook learns better with more data. - It maximizes your retargeting by not splitting your audiences into smaller segments.

How to improve a Facebook ad's relevance score?

1. Know your target audience and be specific with your Facebook ad targeting. 2. A/B test your ads. 3. Use high-quality, relevant ad images and copy.

What is a good ROAS for Facebook ads?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the ROAS you should aim for will vary depending on your industry and what you’re selling. But we can say that ROAS depends mainly on 3 factors: - Revenue - Margins - Operating cost However, a good rule of thumb is to shoot for a target ROAS that is at least twice your original investment.

Tips for testing ad creatives

Here’s what to do if you don’t know where to start: - Test a single image ad vs. a single video ad; - Test two or more different single images; - Test a single image vs. a carousel ad; - Test different headlines; - Test different call-to-action phrases.

Tips on scaling your Facebook ad

- Increasing your ad spend - Use Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO) - Scaling Facebook ads with new Lookalike Audiences - Expand your geographic targeting - Reuse winning ads - Target a very broad audience - Avoid audience overlap - Keep on switching offers within one campaign - Mind the learning phase

How not to ruin the learning phase?

Do not make any significant edits while the algorithm is in the learning phase. Significant edits include: - any change to targeting, ad creative, or optimization event; - adding a new ad to your ad set; - pausing your ad set for seven days or longer; - changing the bid strategy. - don’t create too many ad sets and ads at once. If you do, the algorithm will learn less about each ad. - don’t put too little budget into your ads, and don’t put too much. Aim for the budget that will...

When should you scale Facebook ads?

Not all ads that convert are worth scaling. The key thing is to look for ad campaigns that have a positive return on ad spend (ROAS). It’s advised to let a new Facebook ad run for at least 3 or 4 days before evaluating if it’s good or not. This is the needed time for Facebook to optimize your ad delivery for the best results. Don’t make any changes to the ad during this period or else you will reset the algorithm.

When Should You Pause a Facebook Ad Campaign

Here are 10 signs that tell you it’s time to hit the pause button for your Facebook ads: - The Ad Is Performing Poorly for a Few Days - You Have a High Frequency Score - You Have a Low Click-Through Rate - Your ROAS Is Low and CPC Is High - You Have an Overall Low Quality Score - You Have a Low Engagement Rate - Your Target Audiences Overlap - You’ve Experienced Sudden Drops in Performance - Your Daily Budget Isn’t Being Spent - You’re Getting Negative Feedback from the ...

Benefits of Using Facebook Pixel

Once added to your website the Facebook pixel collects data which helps you: - Track conversions from your Dynamic Ads. - Construct detailed audience targeting. - Retarget people who took a specified action on your website.

When is the learning phase finished?

Technically, the learning phase is done once the performance of ad sets stabilizes which usually happens after 50 optimization events.

What does scaling ads mean?

Scaling an ad means maximizing the results of your best performing ad campaigns to get more leads (or sales) from those campaigns.

When to increase your Facebook Ad budget

The best way to identify this is to monitor your Return On Ad Spend (ROAS), evaluate your ad frequency, and evaluate your overall budget. Is the campaign generating a good ROAS? If you’re running multiple campaigns, you’ll want to put more ad spend behind the one that’s bringing in a higher ROAS. Is your ad frequency below 3? Ad frequency is the average number of times that your Facebook ad is displayed to a unique targeted user. This number can be found in the “Delivery” report section of y...

How to check the relevance score for an ad?

With the latest update, relevance score has been replaced with ad relevance diagnostics. Here are the steps on how to view that: - Go to Ads Manager. - Click the campaign, ad set, or Ad that you want to update. - Click Columns and select Customize Columns. - Select Quality ranking, Engagement rate ranking, and Conversion rate ranking. - Click Apply. - Back on your Reports page and select Ad. ​​​​​​​

Why Your Facebook Relevance Score Matters

Here are three key advantages of a higher relevance score: - It can lower the cost of reaching more people - It can help test ad creative options before running a campaign. - It can help optimize campaigns already in progress.

Tips on How to Increase Conversion Rates for Your Instant Form

To help increase conversion rates for your Instant Form - Include relevant information in the Intro section of your Instant Form. - Do not ask too many questions. - Include questions that will prefill answers based on the information submitted by the user. - Ask multiple choice questions to help you qualify your leads. - Use multiple choice questions instead of having a number of short answer questions. - Test various form lengths.

Tips to Help Your Lead Ad Perform Better

You can use the following best practices to reach more people and increase conversion rates. - Include an engaging image/video and strong call to action. - Run your ad on both Facebook and Instagram. - Use a lookalike audience to reach people with characteristics similar to your customers. - Reach people who previously engaged with your lead ad. - Connect your CRM to reach people who are more likely to convert.

Learning Phase and Best Practices

The learning phase is when the delivery system still has a lot to learn about an ad set. During this period, Facebook’s ads delivery system is exploring the most appropriate way to deliver your ad set. It is also during this time that the ad sets are less stable and normally have a higher cost-per-action (CPA). The learning phase occurs when you create a new ad or ad set or edit an existing one. When an ad set is in the learning phase, you’ll see the word "Learning" under the Delivery column. ...

How to Analyze Your Campaign's Performance

You can analyze your campaign’s performance in Ads Manager to make informed decisions about budget and ad delivery. To know whether a campaign was successful, evaluate the results the campaign generated against the costs of the campaign. How many results did the campaign generate? Check the results column in your Ads Manager report. How much did each result cost? Check the cost per result column in your Ads Manager report. In your Ads Manager report...