How to Analyze Your Campaign's Performance

You can analyze your campaign’s performance in Ads Manager to make informed decisions about budget and ad delivery.


To know whether a campaign was successful, evaluate the results the campaign generated against the costs of the campaign. 


How many results did the campaign generate?

Check the results column in your Ads Manager report.

How much did each result cost?

Check the cost per result column in your Ads Manager report.


In your Ads Manager report, you’ll see an overview of results per campaign, ad set and ad. These aggregate results can give you an immediate insight on whether a campaign reached its goal or not. You can also break down the results in order to get more insights.


Break it down by:


Time: days, weeks, two-week intervals or months

Action: actions related to the ads, like video view type, conversion device etc

Delivery: demographic, location, device, platform, placement or time of day

These insights can lead you to shift budgets to the segments that perform best and further optimize your campaign. 


For instance, you might find that ads delivered to people in a certain geographic region performed a lot better. 


Or you could find that ads seen on All Mobile Devices were not as effective as ads seen on Android Devices only.


The ads reporting tool will allow you to generate a custom report should you want to share it with your team. 



Create a custom report. You can create a custom report in ads reporting. You can access the tool under Business Tools or through the reporting tab in Ads Manager. 

Schedule and share. You can schedule a recurring report from ads reporting and have it delivered to you via email.

Export. When you export reports in ads reporting, you can save your reports in XLSX or CSV format.