When to increase your Facebook Ad budget

The best way to identify this is to monitor your Return On Ad Spend (ROAS), evaluate your ad frequency, and evaluate your overall budget.

Is the campaign generating a good ROAS?

If you’re running multiple campaigns, you’ll want to put more ad spend behind the one that’s bringing in a higher ROAS.

Is your ad frequency below 3?

Ad frequency is the average number of times that your Facebook ad is displayed to a unique targeted user. This number can be found in the “Delivery” report section of your Facebook Ads Manager.

  • Ad frequency < 3 points: Potential customers are only seeing your ads a small number of times. This means you can increase the campaign budget.
  • Ad frequency of 3-6 points: There is scope to increase the ad budget. However, the cost-per-click (CPC) will probably be slightly higher.
  • Ad frequency > 6 points: This signifies that you shouldn’t be increasing the ad campaign budget. An increase here will probably not result in a higher conversion rate.

Do you have enough budget?

If you recognize a channel/platform that isn’t working for now, pause it and allocate that budget to your best-performing campaigns.