Here’s how to set up the rules:
Click on the Campaigns tab and select the campaign which has the ad set that you want to set rules for.
Go to the Ad sets tab and select the ad set.
Click on Rules and select Create a new rule.
Select Custom Rule and click on Next.
Enter the Rule name.
Select the Action.
Under Conditions, click the first drop-down menu and select Time Created.
On the second drop-down menu, select is greater than.
On the third and fourth input box, select the Date and Time. Make sure that the date is set to a previous date.
Set the Schedule to Custom and select the days and time to run the ads as specified in the Offer Details page. NOTE: You need to create a separate rule for turning on and turning off your ads. Make sure to set up the time accordingly.
Uncheck Email notifications option.
>>Click Create.