How to set up rules in the ad set level?

Here’s how to set up the rules:

  • Click on the Campaigns tab and select the campaign which has the ad set that you want to set rules for.

  • Go to the Ad sets tab and select the ad set.

  • Click on Rules and select Create a new rule.

  • Select Custom Rule and click on Next.

  • Enter the Rule name.

  • Select the Action.

  • Under Conditions, click the first drop-down menu and select Time Created.

  • On the second drop-down menu, select is greater than.

  • On the third and fourth input box, select the Date and Time. Make sure that the date is set to a previous date.

  • Set the Schedule to Custom and select the days and time to run the ads as specified in the Offer Details page. NOTE: You need to create a separate rule for turning on and turning off your ads. Make sure to set up the time accordingly.

  • Uncheck Email notifications option.

>>Click Create.