When our agent transfers a call to Unik's DID, Ringba’s Caller ID only picks up our call center number and not the lead’s number, so there are a lot of duplicates showing up. Is there a setting we should change?

Complete Question: For some reason when our agent transfers a call to Unik's DID, Ringba’s Caller ID only picks up our call center number and not the lead’s number, so there are a lot of duplicates showing up. Is there a setting we should change so RB picks up the lead's Caller ID instead? Answer: This is caused by a misconfiguration on your dialer. You need to change the number that is displayed when transferred. Contact your dialer support to correct this setting.

How can a non-US based company be able to create a Bill.com account?

Just provide us with your details (email address, full name, individual or business) and we will send you a special invite.

How Do I Add a Payment Method in Ads Manager?

To add a payment method to your ad account: - Go to your Payment Settings (https://www.facebook.com/ads/manager/account_settings/account_billing). - In the Payment Methods section, click Add Payment Method. - Select the payment method you want to add and click Next. - Follow any additional instructions to add your payment method.

How to verify your profile or Page?

The verified badge means Facebook has confirmed that the Page or profile is the authentic presence of the public figure or brand it represents. Click here to fill out the form (https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/295038365360854) in order to verify your profile or page.

What are the accepted payment options for FB ads?

You can pay for Facebook ads with any of the following payment methods: - Credit or debit cards (American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, JCB) - PayPal - Bank account (direct debit) in supported countries - Local manual payment methods in supported countries and currencies

How does the audience network work?

With Audience Network, publishers can make money by showing ads from Facebook advertisers in their apps. In order to manage your monetization with Audience Network, you’ll need to set up Monetization Manager. This helps you manage your apps and ad placements, understand your performance and optimize your revenue in one place.

What is an audience network?

The audience network allows you to reach Facebook users when they aren’t on Facebook, and even allows you to reach people who are not Facebook members at all.

What is an IVR?

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is an automated phone system technology for qualifying callers with prompts and routing them to a destination based on their responses.

What are IVR Nodes?

IVR Nodes are used to build your IVR Trees. They provide complete control over the customer experience and how calls are routed to Targets.

Why is it important to choose the right Facebook Business Page categories?

You have to select Facebook page categories because these categories are helpful if you want to increase your Facebook page reach and visibility.

How to download the leads data that is submitted through Instant Form?

The leads data can be downloaded (1) via a CSV export from Ads Manager or (2) from your Facebook Page, through the Facebook API or access them through an integrated CRM system. The best way for advertisers is to download the data from Ads Manager. Here’s how: - Go to Ads Manager (https://www.facebook.com/micro_site/url/?click_from_context_menu=true&country=PH&destination=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fadsmanager%2Fmanage%2Fads&event_type=click&last_nav_impression_id=05giJkQ0owcYotp60&m...

How long does Facebook pixel keep data?

Facebook saves pixel data for 180 days.

What is a Ringba Tracking Pixel?

Ringba Tracking Pixel is used to send information from Ringba to another platform or service that will trigger and send data according to your configuration.

What is Facebook Special Ad Category?

Facebook Special Ad Category is a new classification for ads that link to housing, credit, or job opportunities. Facebook created this to help enforce their policies against discriminatory practices in advertising and prevent discrimination based on demographic characteristics. Click here (https://www.facebook.com/business/help/298000447747885) to check the 4 special ad categories.

What is an IVR Tree?

An IVR Tree is used to create and manage dynamic call flows and access advanced call routing features for complete control over traffic, call flows and the customer experience. It routes calls through custom menus and prompts and sends callers to destinations inside IVR Routing Plans using drag-and-drop Nodes.

What is an offline conversion?

Offline Conversions can measure how much your ads lead to real-world outcomes such as purchases in your stores, phone orders, bookings and more. It is used to: - Track offline activity and see how much of it can be attributed to your ads. - Measure the offline return on your ad spend. - Reach people offline and show ads to people based on the actions they take offline. You can also create lookalike audiences to deliver ads across Meta technologies to people who are similar to your offlin...

What is an IVR Routing Plan?

IVR Routing Plans are used to route calls from IVR Trees to Targets and Groups.

How to set up rules in the ad set level?

Here’s how to set up the rules: - Click on the Campaigns tab and select the campaign which has the ad set that you want to set rules for. - Go to the Ad sets tab and select the ad set. - - Click on Rules and select Create a new rule. - Select Custom Rule and click on Next. - Enter the Rule name. - Select the Action. - Under Conditions, click the first drop-down menu and select Time Created. - On the s...

Do I need more than 1 ad account?

You should create multiple ad accounts if you're planning to scale. With only 1 ad account, you're limited to how much you can spend.

How can I personalize my landing page?

You can personalize your Landing Page with a state logo, flags, and state capital building depending on your targeted states.

Where do all the data that we are collecting from our Ads go?

The data that we are collecting go to Google Analytics and also on our Facebook Pixel. It's going to FB events so that you can measure with other statistics

I do not see the verification button on the FB Security Center page.

If the Security Center page does not have the verification button, click here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccIMQkMIN04)for the workaround.

What is Google Ads MCC?

Google Ads MCC (My Client Center) is a Google Manager account that allows you to link multiple ad accounts under one roof. With MCC, you can link several accounts so you can view them in a single location.

Where on the landing page should we put the TCPA disclaimer?

You can put the TCPA Disclaimer below the quiz or survey form, or below your opt-in box on your landing page.

Do I need to setup offline conversion beforehand when running traffic to landing page?

No, you don't have to set it up but it would be great to have it because eventually you can optimize for it.

Any ideas on monetizing the ACA callers who are on Medicaid?

You can try via SSDI( Social Security Disability Insurance). Credit repair and / or business loans might also make sense.

If I set up booked times for people to call an inbound campaign, would that still get me paid?

As long as it's an inbound call and not a transfer, you'll still get paid.

Types of Budgets in Facebook

A budget is the amount of money you want to spend on showing people your ads, over the time period you’ve set them to run. You can set an overall budget for your campaign with campaign budget optimization (CBO), or set individual budgets for your ad sets. There are two types of budget duration: - Daily budgets: The average amount you want to spend on an ad set or campaign each day. Daily budgets are not a hard cap. - Lifetime budgets: The total amount you're willing to spend over the...

How to set a custom conversion based on the offline conversions Ringba uploads?

You need to set up the conversion API between FB and Ringba first. This will allow Ringba to fire off conversion data back to Facebook. Then you need to be sure that conversion is attached to the ad account you are using for the ads. Then create a custom audience around that conversion pixel. Then you can run a conversion campaign based on the conversion from that conversion matrix by using the custom audience. Here are some articles that will provide you with detailed instructions: https...

What does "system hangup" mean in Ringba?

It could mean: - No targets available - Identified as spam - IVR failure - Tech issue

What tool are you using to respond to the comments on your FB ads?

You can use ManyChat or Page Autoresponder.

Is there a way to know many numbers are required for my number pool?

You can use this Pool Estimator that Adam Young from Ringba provided: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uRQeoHMuOF9eiqMoq-ROvexxIjsDtcdrxfMd98HcwlM/edit?usp=sharing

How to have the FB pixel to catch the click-to-call events when using a number pool?

Set a conversion for CTA (Call to Action) button, because the number changes use the element class or id for better tracking.

How to View Your Account Spending Limit History?

If you want to know how your account spending limits are set or the estimated amount you’ll be billed, you can view the history of your account spending limits in Ads Manager. To view your account spending limit history: - Go to your Billing section (https://www.facebook.com/ads/manager/billing). - Click the Transactions dropdown menu. - Select Account Spending Limit. - View your account spending limit history, including: - Start Date: The date and time when: - your spendi...

How FB daily budgets work

When you set your daily budget, you're setting an average daily spend over the course of 1 week. This means that every day, Facebook will spend whatever amount you specified as your daily budget to get you the result you optimized for.

What is FB Automatic placements?

Automatic placements enable FB to get the best results available across all default placements. Because they can choose results from the widest range possible, automatic placements are typically the most efficient use of your budget and help control costs. However, you may be confused about why FB recommends this if you use the lowest cost bid strategy and check the average cost per optimization event for each placement in your reports. For example, if the average cost per optimization event o...

Will my campaign's performance improve by using a landing page?

A good landing page adds intent. Running a traffic-to-landing page campaign will eventually make your cost per lead cheaper in the long run. It will even be easier to run it as compared to call-only ads.

What is the process to get approved to run political ads on FB?

Follow the guidelines from this link: https://www.facebook.com/business/learn/lessons/run-ads-on-social-issues

How do I get started doing Pay Per Call?

We have a free training on Pay Per Call basics at: https://paidpercalls.com/free-training-video It teaches you how to get started. Besides that, you can also do your own research via Google Search, YouTube videos , etc.

Whats the difference between a transfer and inbound campaign?

Transfer means that the call is routed to the buyer from a call center (normally pre-screened). An inbound call is a call that's originated by an external source, or caller.

If the ACA 10K challenge ends on April 17th, are we still able to run ads and get paid after that?

Yes. You can run ACA all year and you will always get paid.

What are Ads about social issues, elections or politics?

Ads about social issues, elections, or politics are: - Made by, on behalf of, or about a candidate for public office, a political figure, a political party, a political action committee, or advocates for the outcome of an election to public office; or - About any election, referendum, or ballot initiative, including "go out and vote" or election campaigns; or - About social issues in any place where the ad is being placed; or - Regulated as political advertising. Adve...

Facebook Lead ads sporadically adding the country code ‘+1’ and VICIdial not being able to dial.

Use ‘formatter by Zapier’ —> action event ’text’ —> Transform ‘split text’ —> input ‘FB phone number’ —> separator +1 –> segment index ‘Last’. Once this is in your zap right before your VICIdial webhook, all leads will be formatted to the raw phone number with no country code.

When running TikTok, do you leave the targeting open?

If you're referring to ACA, we suggest starting with broad and then test everything else against broad. At the beginning it is expected to burn some cash or break even while you get some traffic flowing and pixel events. Also, if you are running high budgets (1k+/day) then we would also suggest changing creatives every 2 weeks.

Can we run ACA all year round?

Yes, you can but there's an enrollment season and the CAP falls off in the off-season.

What verticals are included in the 10 DFY landing pages?

- Plumbing - Water Damage - Mold Remediation: - Carpet Cleaning - Pest Control - Final Expense - Medicare - Emergency Dental - Credit Repair - Flight Bookings These are built in CF.

If your FB account got suspended to check you identification, can you make a new one or would it automatically be blocked?

Just submit your ID and it should be lifted within 3-7days. Identity is a standard thing with new ad accounts.

How can we get around spending limits placed on Facebook accounts?

You can get around spending limits by spending money so the limit is increased.

Would it be worth having a landing page or website to drive traffic to?

Ads to landing pages result to better quality leads. But if your budget is limited, then call only ads work to get things going.

Is ACA going to be live 24/7 starting March 17th?

No, ACA is not a 24/7 campaign. Please check the offer tab for the full details.

Do I automatically get an app.ringba.com account when I sign up as a publisher for Unik Media Group?

You will receive an invite to log in to the Unik publisher dashboard once you're approved to run an offer, not after signing up as a publisher. After filling out the publisher registration form, you will receive an email from Clayton regarding the requirements you need to submit. The email will also have the link to the Offer Application Form. Submit those and wait for the approval. It normally takes 72 hours to be approved for an offer.

For the ACA challenge, what will be the traffic source?

It's Facebook and Tiktok.

Where can we find our RPC?

You can find the RPC in the Unik publisher dashboard. Once logged in, click on Reporting on the left hand menu. There's a column for RPC in the Summary section.

What's a billable call?

Call that goes over a buffer time which is usually 90 seconds. Each offer has a different buffer time. Make sure to check the offer details tab.

Can we use our debit card to pay for the Ad spent in our campaign?

It is best to use a Credit Card to earn points and have extra days before the actual charge comes in. Since Unik pays weekly, you'll be able to get paid before your card due date.

How long should we run visitor traffic to our website to season our pixel?

Until you have at least 100 conversions, with conversions defined as billable call. You should be running "link click" or "landing page view" objectives to draw in traffic to your lander. Then once you hit 100 conversion, ADD a "conversion" objective campaign. We recommend still running "link click/landing page view" objective campaigns even when running "conversion" objective campaigns - this ensures continuous flow of relevant data to the pixel further helping the algorithm.

When is the ACA OEP for this year (2022)?

It starts from March 17th and ends August 14th.

Is there a certain number of page likes that we need to gain before running our campaign?

Once you have spent 20 to 30 dollars, you're safe to run a campaign.

Where else can you run ACA aside from Facebook?

You can run it on TikTok, YouTube, and Snapchat. For search traffic like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, you need a license to run insurance ads.

What SMS platform can I use to manage lists and campaigns?

You can always use something like Calltools.com (http://calltools.com/) , Calltrackingmetrics.com (http://calltrackingmetrics.com/) , Close.io (http://close.io/), Trackdrive.net (http://trackdrive.net/), or you can use Twilio studio. There is also Gohighlevel.com (http://gohighlevel.com/)

What is ACA a.k.a Obamacare?

It’s a health insurance plan for people who are looking for subsidized health care from the government. If you make less than 18k a year, then you qualify for this “free insurance” because your tax credit covers that and you end up paying nothing (zero dollars a month).

What image size works best for Facebook Ads?

Use 600 X 600px. This is the best image size that we found works best for all placement platforms that Facebook uses.

What's the average cost per lead of running ACA?

On average, you can generate a call for around $2 to $4.

How much data should we have in our campaign before changing it to a conversion campaign?

At least 100 events of what you would like to get like 100 page views or 100 calls.

Why is it important to optimize your website for mobile?

It's important for your website to work well on mobile devices, so if you haven't yet invested in making your website mobile-friendly, it's time to do so. Here are just a few reasons why your mobile presence is critical to your business: - Mobile-friendly sites show up higher in search results - Mobile searches make up more than half of searches on Google.com - For many advertisers, the majority of traffic comes from people on their mobile phones - If your site isn't mobile-friendly, ...

What is Facebook Attribution Setting?

The attribution setting has replaced the conversion window. The attribution setting is a finite period of time during which conversions can be credited to your ads and used to inform campaign optimization. Their system will learn from the conversions that occur during this time period and help improve performance by showing your ads to those people who find them most relevant. You can choose your attribution setting at the ad set level when you create a campaign or edit an existing campaign in ...

What is a number pool and how does it work?

A number pool is a script code that you can generate in Ringba by following this tutorial (https://unikmedia.ladesk.com/813323-Creating-a-Number-Pool-in-Ringba). Once created, you will then have to paste the code in the <head> section of your landing page. Every time a user visits your website, it will display a random number from the pool. If two users are accessing the site, they will see two different numbers from their end. This is set up to lessen the likelihood of receiving spam ca...

How do you block spam calls in Ringba?

You need to set up Ringba IVR to block all calls which are not valid, get the main spammers' IP addresses and block them. Also, set up a firewall on your website and set up a number pool. As far as a firewall goes, you can easily set Cloudflare to block anyone coming to your site that's not in the USA, plus monitor the IP addresses and block the obvious spam ones.

Can you run a Medicare campaign all year round?

Medicare has an Annual Enrollment Period and has a high season and low season. But if you can produce good calls that convert, there are buyers all year round. The peak season is from October to December but there's an open enrollment period from January to March.

How many keywords should exist in our ad group?

The best rule of thumb is to use no more than 20 keywords per ad group.

Why are there advertising restrictions on my Facebook account, Page, or Business Manager account?

To help keep Facebook safe and ensure authentic connections between people and businesses, Facebook monitors and investigates advertiser behavior. They may restrict accounts that don't follow the Advertising Policies (https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads/), Community Standards (https://www.facebook.com/communitystandards/), or other Facebook policies and terms. These restrictions can be in how much you can spend, the advertising features you can use, or a loss of access to all advertising using...

Which objective works better for Facebook Call Ads — traffic or lead generation?

When testing new ads, run both. Keep the winning campaigns and turn off the ones that are under-performing.

Are we allowed to incentivize a call? For example, after they call for a quote, we send them a gift card or something.

Absolutely not. Incentivizing in your ads will result to delivering unqualified, misguided and fraudulent calls.

What should I do to lower the cost per like for my Page Like campaign?

For a simple page-like campaign, you can set your targeting worldwide or to countries that are known to generate cheap page likes. Here are the top 5 low cost countries to target on Facebook Ads for cheap page likes: 1.) Bangladesh 2.) India 3.) Philippines 4.) Trinidad and Tobago 5.) Pakistan These low cost countries are great for running your page-like campaign to warm up your Facebook Page and Facebook Ad account.

Can I target cheaper countries for my page-like campaign?

Yes. For a simple page-like campaign, you can set your targeting worldwide or to countries that are known to generate cheap page likes. Here are the top 5 low cost countries to target on Facebook Ads for cheap page likes: 1.) Bangladesh 2.) India 3.) Philippines 4.) Trinidad and Tobago 5.) Pakistan These low cost countries are great for running your page-like campaign to warm up your Facebook Page and Facebook Ad account.

Why is my offer application still pending?

Make sure to complete the Offer Application Form and wait 72 hours for approval: https://share.hsforms.com/1p-0t0An-Q9CaEgqH8yKdSAc4b7y

Some payouts seemed to have disappeared from my account.

Please check the date range. Every time you are log in into your account, by default you'll see today's statistics. You will have to change the date range to the latest 7 days for example to see your previous conversion.

Should I make a Facebook page to run ads?

Yes, a Facebook page is where you can run your Ads. You cannot advertise on Facebook without a Facebook page.

How do I get paid for calls that I sent?

We pay our affiliates on a weekly basis through Bill.com Step 1: Fill out this form to get an invite to connect to our payment network - https://share.hsforms.com/1UOpzSkpETXuF5wdU2wYA5Qc4b7y Step 2: After completing the form, you will get an email in about 24 hours to create your Bill.com account connected to our network. Step 3: Create your Bill.com account using the invite that we sent. Step 4: Once you start generating calls, send your invoice via Bill.com every Monday covering Mon...

Can I create an IVR using Unik Media Group Ringba account or do I have to use my own Ringba account?

You'll need to have your own Ringba account in order to create an IVR.

Do I first create a Facebook page and warm it up before running ads?

We recommend running a Facebook page-like campaign first to warm up both your page and your ad account and get as much interaction as you can to your page before running your pay per call ads. You can run a page-like campaign for $1 to $5 a day and target countries that are known sources of cheap page-likes.

What’s the turnaround time on payment network application?

It usually takes 24hrs to receive the Bill.com network invite.

How do I pause a Facebook ad campaign?

- To pause your Facebook Ad campaign, Visit your Ads Manager - Choose which campaign would you like to pause - From the Campaign Actions drop-down at the top of the dashboard, choose whether to pause until a specific date or indefinitely. - Once you paused the campaign, any leftover ad spend is saved until the campaign resumes.

My calls are not getting connected

There are a couple of scenarios that can result to calls not getting connected. 1. If you are targeting a geographical area that's not covered by the offer/campaign. Make sure you are checking the offer details for the list of states covered by the offer. 2. If the callers are calling outside of the operational hours. Check the offer details for the hours of operations and make sure your ads are running only within the hours.

How can I add additional buyers to my Unik Media publisher dashboard?

You can't add a new buyer in the Unik Media publisher dashboard. The only way for you to have new buyers is by setting up your own Ringba account.

How do I send you an invoice in Bill.com?

You may refer to this tutorial to learn how to send your invoice -- https://www.loom.com/share/c9b14bd73fde4f83a16203cf03b169ba

Do I need a personal Ringba account or is the Unik Media publisher account enough?

You will only need your own Ringba account if you plan on adding additional buyers. If you are only selling your leads through our network, then the Unik Media publisher account should be enough.

What is a good percentage to base your Look Alike Audience?

We recommend using only 1-3% for your Look Alike Audiences(LAA). Anything more than this percentage would be considered as targeting openly.

How can I get approved to run a campaign?

First, you need to be an approved publisher to apply to run a campaign. STEP 1: If you haven't yet, complete this Publisher Registration Form - https://unikmediagroup-20356558.hs-sites.com/publisher-signup NOTE: You only need to submit the above form once. STEP 2: Upon submitting the Publisher Registration Form, check your email for the next steps. You will receive an email from Clayton@unikmediagroup.com (mailto:Clayton@unikmediagroup.com) regarding the requirements you need to submit. T...

Do you have landing page templates for each vertical?

You can search Google or Facebook for companies running that same offer and then model your site after theirs. NOTE: We provide Done-For-You vertical landing pages to members of the 12-Week Business Accelerator Program (Inner Circle).

Do you have any tips on how to stop duplicate calls?

Here's how to stop duplicate calls: - Create a custom audience in Facebook and upload all your caller info. - Exclude that custom audience from your ad set.

Does updating targeted locations reset the learning phase in my ad groups?

If you change anything (excluding the name of your campaign, adset, ad) it will go through approval again and could put you back in the learning phase.

Where do we submit advertising materials for offer approval?

Please click here (https://share.hsforms.com/1p-0t0An-Q9CaEgqH8yKdSAc4b7y) to submit your offer application.

Is there a way to release an existing Ringba number?

Yes. You can open the campaign then delete/release the number and add a new one.

Can two leads call the same number at once?

Thousands of leads can call the same number at once.

Can you edit a published Facebook Lead Form?

You cannot edit a Facebook Lead Form once it is published. What you can do is create a new form, or duplicate the existing form and edit the duplicate with the right information.

Walkthrough video on how to set up a Number Pool

Log in to your Ringba account and click on the Support icon found at the top right corner. Click on Search on Helpdesk. Search for "number pools" and you'll be able to see it in the results. Click on Number Pools to view the complete guide.

Is it okay to have phone number directly in my ad?

Yes, it's fine to have the number on the ad.

What app do you use to format the ad text to bold or italics?

You can use YayText.com. It is a text styling tool used to generate a variety of cool unicode font styles that you can copy and paste into Facebook, Twitter, etc. Bear in mind though that Facebook prohibits using unicode in ads so use it sparingly.

What do I do about negative comments on my ads?

You can delete them and then set a rule moving forward to block certain words and profanity from your page. How to Block Words: Step 1: On your Facebook page, Click “Settings.” Step 2: Go to “General” then “Page Moderation” Click “Edit.” Step 3: Type in the words you want to block or upload a .csv file containing the words you want to block and click “Save Changes.”

How do I find the post ID of my Facebook ad?

Go to your Ad level, preview the ad with comments. You can copy the post ID from the Ad URL.

My Facebook ad account is disabled. Can I create a new account?

While you wait for Facebook to respond to your review/appeal, you can create a new ad account, page and continue running your ads.

Found multiple calls with no recordings on my campaign.

Check your IVR settings to make sure you have recording enabled for the entire call. Also, check your target settings to make sure you have recording enabled and/or trim silence. If that doesn't help, you can reach out to the Ringba support team to help you troubleshoot your recording issue.

How can I increase my FB ad account spending limit?

Increase the ad account spending limit is usually done by Facebook automatically after the account has established a payment history. You can always create a ticket and request a limit increase.

Is it possible to get a detailed audience based on where your clicks came from and then optimize based on that?

You can always run a report in Ringba to see what state or even city is driving the most conversions and then target your campaigns on those states.

How do you remove rules from a specific Facebook campaign?

You need to delete the rule and create a new one.

How to dispute not being paid for calls that connected?

If a call meets the payment terms, check if it is a duplicate or not. You won't get paid for duplicate calls.

Does anyone have an excel file that they keep for ads vs revenue?

Here you go, and you can watch this video for guidance on how to use the file - https://www.loom.com/share/5a65c0dbd9c94988891ccd3b26edca9a

How many leads do you need to have before making a Look Alike Audience?

We recommend at least 50-100 leads.

How long does it take to warm up a new pixel with data for the algorithm to show your ads to the ideal audience?

The general rule of thumb is to run the campaign for about 14 day at $25-50 per day. That should warm up a new pixel for this campaign.

How can I stop FB automated rules from applying to an old campaign?

You technically can't. Instead, create a keyword that you only use for your campaigns that run. Then create a rule that turns on and off if the campaign name contains that keyword.

Twilio error: "Permission to send an SMS has not been enabled for the region indicated by the 'To' number:

You have to select United States (+1) within 'Messaging > Settings > Geo Permissions'.

In the Unik Media version of Ringba, how do we add a different vendor?

Use your own Ringba account to add a different vendor.

What does "No payout if caller calls back within 30 days" mean?

It means no duplicate payments for the same caller in 30 days.