How to download the leads data that is submitted through Instant Form?

The leads data can be downloaded (1) via a CSV export from Ads Manager or (2) from your Facebook Page, through the Facebook API or access them through an integrated CRM system.

The best way for advertisers is to download the data from Ads Manager. Here’s how:

  • Go to Ads Manager.
  • Click on the Ads tab.
  • Click on the name of the ad for which you wish to download leads data.
  • In the Results column, click On-Facebook Leads.
  • Click Use Leads Center if you want to see your leads data on Facebook. This can be a useful option if your organization does not use a CRM system and you need a centralized location to keep track of your leads.
  • Click Download New Leads if you only want to download the new leads you've received since the last time you downloaded your leads.
  • Click Download by Date Range if you want to download all leads you received during a certain time period. After choosing this option, select the preferred date range and click Download.
  • A screen will appear with the lead ad name and total leads count. Click CSV or XLS to download the file in your preferred file type.

Note: Lead information is only available on Facebook for 90 days and older leads cannot be downloaded.