Troubleshoot Pixel Helper Errors

Error 1: 'No pixel found'
If the Pixel Helper icon in the web browser bar indicates that no pixels were found on that page, it means that you need to place the Facebook pixel code on your website. 

Error 2: 'Pixel did not load'
The Pixel Helper may have found Facebook pixel code on your website but the pixel isn't receiving information from your website back to Facebook.
These are the two reasons:

  • You set up your pixel to receive information about a dynamic event.

When this happens, click on the specific button where you attached your pixel code and click on the Pixel Helper again to see if this fixes the problem.

  • There could be an error in your pixel base code. If this is the case, you can try deleting the Facebook pixel code you've placed on your website and adding the code again.

Error 3: 'Not a standard event'
This happens when the Pixel Helper has found event code on your website that doesn't match one of their standard events — usually due to a typo (e.g event is named "Purchased" instead of "Purchase") In this case, refer to Facebook's standard event names to make sure that this matches with the event names in your website's own code.


Error 4: 'Pixel activated multiple times'
This happens when the Facebook pixel has sent the same message several times to Facebook.

Make sure that you have used the Facebook pixel base code just once on each page that has an event you'd like to track;

Error 5: 'Invalid pixel ID'
This means that the pixel ID in your Facebook pixel base code hasn't been recognized by Facebook. Replace the pixel ID in your pixel base code with the pixel ID assigned to an active ad account.

Error 6: 'Error due to Lack of Traffic'
This means that your pixel is very new and you still need to wait from a few hours to see the pixel data in the Events Manager. You can ask your team to browse the site to get the pixel to register traffic.