Technology & Account Setup

Does Facebook pixel need to be on every page?

You will need to add the pixel code to every page. Ideally, you want to paste the code into a template instead of having to manually apply the tracking to each webpage.

Troubleshoot Pixel Helper Errors

Error 1: 'No pixel found' If the Pixel Helper icon in the web browser bar indicates that no pixels were found on that page, it means that you need to place the Facebook pixel code on your website. Error 2: 'Pixel did not load' The Pixel Helper may have found Facebook pixel code on your website but the pixel isn't receiving information from your website back to Facebook. These are the two reasons: - You set up your pixel to receive information about a dynamic event. When this happ...

How to track conversions that happened on Ringba with Facebook ads?

Here’s an article that will guide you through the step by step process of setting up Facebook Offline Events integration: - JS Tag version — Facebook Offline Events Integration - JS version | Ringba Support ( - For Call-only ads — Facebook Offline Events Integration - Call-Only Ads | Ringba Support (

How to create a Ringba Tracking Pixel?

You can click this document ( to learn how to create a tracking pixel in Ringba.

Set Up ManyChat to Work With Your Facebook Page and Messenger

First, you need to sign up for ManyChat. Follow these steps: - Go to and click Get Started Free. - Click Facebook Messenger. - Click Continue With Facebook and it will ask you to verify your email address. - After verifying your email address, it will ask you a few questions. Fill that out in order to proceed. - Then, it will ask you to connect your Facebook page. Make sure to select the right one. - You will be asked a couple more questions. Fill it out and ...

How to create an IVR Routing Plan in Ringba?

Here are the steps to create a routing plan: NOTE: You must log in to your main Ringba account. - Navigate to "Routing Plans" from the main Dashboard and click on “Create Routing Plan”. - Give your Routing Plan a “Name” and click on "Create" to begin adding destination Targets. - Setup your Targets / Groups and configure settings like Priority and Weight. - Click "Close" when you are finished and the Routing Plan configuration will be saved automatically.

How to create an IVR tree in Ringba?

Log in to your main Ringba account and follow these steps: - Navigate to ‘IVRs’ from the main menu and select "Create IVR Tree". - Name the IVR, save the configuration and expand or collapse the nodes for a high-level overview at the top of the IVR Builder. - Add a Node to your IVR Tree, simply drag-and-drop it on the workspace. You can also add Child Nodes by clicking the " Add / +" icon inside the Parent Node. - Save the IVR Tree configuration by clicking "Save".

Complete Your Publisher Registration

To be a UMG publisher, you must go through the publisher application process. STEP 1: If you haven't yet, complete this Publisher Registration Form - NOTE: You only need to submit the above form once. STEP 2: Upon submitting the Publisher Registration Form, check your email for the next steps. You will receive an email from ( regarding the requirements you need to sub...

How to Add a tracking number in your publisher account

Once you're approved to run an offer, the next step is to get a tracking number which you can get from your publisher account. - Visit ( and log into your account - From your Dashboard, click Campaigns on the left-hand menu - That will show all the campaigns that you're approved to run - Choose the campaign where you want to create a tracking number and you'll get to the campaign settings page. Scroll down to loc...

Connect with our payment network

We pay our publishers / affiliates on a weekly basis through Step 1: Fill out this form to get an invite to connect to our payment network - Step 2: After completing the form, you will get an email in about 24 hours to create your account connected to our network. Step 3: Create your account using the invite that we sent. Step 4: Once you start generating calls, send your invoice via every Monday...

Understanding the Offer Details

Goal: To understand details found on the offer page. Ideal Outcome: Familiarization of the terms found in the offer. Prerequisites or Requirements: You can use the knowledge from this document to select which offer to run. You should have completed the publisher registration form and have your billing details updated. Why is this important? Once you apply for an offer and get approved, you can generate unique phone numbers (also called tracking numbers) that you can use in your campaign. W...

Overview of Publisher Dashboard (Ringba) Reporting

Learn how to navigate and use the Publisher Dashboard Reporting interface. The reporting suite contains all the tools you need to filter, group and sort your data by whatever metrics are most important to your success, all in real-time. The reporting interface is broken down into four sections – Settings, Timeline, Summary and Call Details. Settings gives you the ability to adjust and configure your report including: - Time Zone - Date Range - Auto-Refresh ...

Tracking With ValueTrack Parameters

The easiest way to start tracking information about your ads is by using ValueTrack parameters. ValueTrack parameters are a type of URL parameter you can add to your ads’ landing page URLs. These parameters collect information about the source of your ad clicks. How to Set up ValueTrack Parameters Using Google 1. Log in to your Google Ads account. 2. Click on “Settings”. 3. Select “Campaign settings” if you want to create tracking templates at a campaign level or choose “Account settin...

Get familiar with your publisher dashboard, terminologies, and interface

NOTE: This article is for you IF you are signing up to your own Ringba account and not using the UMG Ringba platform. Learn how to get started with your Unik Media Publisher Dashboard account with a tour of the Platform. - Campaigns - Targets - Publishers - Reporting ** Please note that the interface and layout used in the video do not reflect the current publisher dashboard.