Overview of Publisher Dashboard (Ringba) Reporting

Learn how to navigate and use the Publisher Dashboard Reporting interface.

The reporting suite contains all the tools you need to filter, group and sort your data by whatever metrics are most important to your success, all in real-time.

The reporting interface is broken down into four sections – Settings, Timeline, Summary and Call Details.

Settings gives you the ability to adjust and configure your report including:

  • Time Zone

  • Date Range

  • Auto-Refresh

  • Click-to-Refresh

  • Add filters to your data.

  • Save the report to the main menu for quick access.


The Timeline report allows you to visualize your call traffic by ‘Year’, ‘Month’, ‘Week’, ‘Day’, ‘Hour’, or ‘Minute’.

The Summary report groups, filters and aggregates statistical information into easy to read totals.

This section groups all of your call statistics by Campaign, Dialed #, Number Pool, Date, Duplicate, and call attribution Tags.

You can easily export your calls report by clicking “Export CSV”.

Call Details allows you to see all the individual information about your calls.

If you click on the down arrow (˅) beside the call date, you’ll see the call record, attribution tags and events. 



Call Events


Call Record


Call Tags


You can also customize the columns that you want to be displayed. Click on “Customize Columns” and select which column you want to show or hide.


You have the ability to export the call details by clicking on “Export CSV”.