Keyword Planning: Volume and Cost Estimates

You can use Keyword Planner to get insights into how keywords might perform. Google draws on historical search data to make estimates of what you might get from a set of keywords based on your spending. These forecasts can help you decide how to group your keywords and set your bids.

To get search volume and forecasts

  • Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  • Click the Tools and settings icon from the upper right corner menu, then under "Planning", then click Keyword Planner
  • Click Get search volume and forecasts.

  • Enter or paste a list of keywords into the search box, or upload a list of keywords from a CSV file following the instructions below:
    • Click Upload a file.
    • Click Select a file from your computer. Review the templates provided for uploading keywords.
  1. Upload a list of keywords: Your file should have just one column with the header titled “Keyword”.
  2. Upload an entire keyword plan: Download the template to include optional data like campaign, location, and ad group. along with your keyword. 
    Click Submit.
  • Click Get started.
  • Then you’ll see the forecast for the added keywords

Your plan forecast shows you how many conversions, clicks, or impressions you’re likely to get for your keywords based on your spending.

What’s included in your forecast

  • Forecast of optimal performance for all keywords based on your spend.

    • Change the metric you’re forecasting by clicking “Conversions” or “Clicks”. This is available to you when you enable conversion tracking in your account. Otherwise, click "Add conversion metrics" to review the options.
    • Change the average daily budget by clicking the amount.
    • Change your bid strategy by clicking the “Maximize clicks” drop-down.
    • Click the drop-down arrow to see a chart of your estimated performance to get based on your spend.
  • Estimates for each individual keyword based on the “Maximize clicks” bid strategy.

    • Edit the amount in the “Average daily budget” to see how these estimates change.

  • Ad groups that your keywords will be added to in a new campaign if you implement your plan.

  • The date range for your forecast.

    • Click on the date range at the top of the page to change the timeframe for your forecast.

Additional options

  • Add new keywords by clicking the plus button and entering new keywords. You can also return to the “Keyword ideas” page and add keywords from there.
  • Download the forecast by clicking the download button.
  • Share the plan with others by clicking the Share button and enabling share access.