Finding and Listing Negative Keywords

The Negative Keywords list is a list of negative keywords that we can apply for different levels of our Google apps account. These keywords work as a filter.

You can have an account negative keyword list or a campaign specific negative keyword list. 

In your account negative keywords list, you can include keywords that you never want to trigger your ads. These negative keywords will be applied to all of the ads in that account regardless of the campaign, or ad group while a campaign specific negative keyword list will only be applied to the campaign you set it to.

To create an account negative keyword list:

  • In your Google Ads dashboard, click on Tools and settings and choose the Negative keyword list under Shared library

  • On the Negative keyword lists dashboard, click the plus button

  •  Give your list a name and key in your negative keywords(one per line)

  • Once you’re done adding your list and you’re done saving your list, you can have it applied to all of the campaigns or to a specific campaign by putting a check next to the tick box of it and clicking on the apply to campaigns button. A window will open up where you can select which campaigns you want this list to be applied to.


To get an idea of what kind of keywords you want to add to your negative keywords list, you can check your Search Terms reports.

  • From the dashboard click and expand Keywords from the left side menu
  • To see search terms for all keywords, click Search terms at the top. To see search terms for only a select group of keywords, check the boxes next to the keywords you’d like to see search terms for. Then click Search terms in the menu that appears above the table.
  • Check the boxes next to the search terms that you'd like to add as negative keywords, then click Add as a negative keyword.
  • From here, you can add negative keywords to an ad group or campaign, an existing negative keyword list, or a new negative keyword list.

You can also do a quick Google search to find possible negative keywords that you can add in your list.