Keyword Research: Finding Keywords

We have multiple ways of looking for keywords and we’ll provide some that are working for us. 

1. Using Keyword Planner Tool:

  • Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  • Click the tools and settings icon from the upper right corner menu, then under "Planning", click Keyword Planner
  • Click Discover new keywords.
  • There are 2 ways to discover new keyword ideas:
    • Start with keywords: Enter words related to your products or services. You can separate multiple phrases with a comma and space.
      Enter your domain and Google will try to exclude keywords not related to what you offer.
    • Start with a website: Enter any website and Google will look for keywords related to the content on that site. Note: the contents of hyperlinks aren’t used to generate keyword ideas.
  • Click Get results.
  • After clicking “Get Results”, you’ll see a list of keywords related to what you entered. These keywords haven’t been added to your plan. You can now edit your list with filters and categories to help you find those that make sense for your plan.
  • You can now edit your list of keyword ideas using filters and categories.
  • After you've made a list of keywords, there are 2 ways to incorporate them into your campaigns:
    • Add them to your “Saved keywords” to organize them later
    • Add them to ad groups within existing campaigns

2. Using Google's auto-suggest which can be seen while doing a quick search on Google's website. You’ll also find searches related to the one you are making which can also help find new keyword ideas.

3. Using the website, - Here you can get a lot of search terms from different platforms in one search.