
Remarketing ads allow your business to show targeted ads to the users who visited your website and didn’t complete a conversion. Past visitors will see these ads while they are browsing the web, watching YouTube videos, or reading news sites.

The first step in putting this plan into action is to set up a remarketing audience in Google Ads. This audience can be created using either a Google Ads All Visitors list or an All Users list (sourced from Analytics).

Here are the steps you need to remarket your site visitors:

  1. Log into Google Ads.

  2. In the top right corner, select Tools & Settings, and then click on Audience Manager found under the Shared Library section. This is the part where you'll put all of your audiences. If you don't notice any audiences, it's likely that you don't have a remarketing tag on your website or that you're in an industry where Google doesn't allow you to remarket to people.
    Google Ads Audience Manager

  3. To create a new audience, click the blue button in the top left corner and select Website Visitors.
    Website Visitors

  4. You can build a remarketing audience in a variety of ways. For example, you can create a remarketing list that targets users who have visited specific URLs by selecting "Visitors of a Page" and then specify what URL requirements need to be met.
    Visitor of a Page

  5. After that, go to the pre-fill options area and click on it. This is where you may instruct Google to pre-fill the list with users from the previous 30 days or start creating the list from the day of audience approval if you wish to start from scratch.
    Pre-fill Options

  6. Choose the audience list's membership duration. This defines how long a user will remain in the audience and when they will be removed. After a person meets the URL requirements, he or she can stay in an audience for up to 540 days. For your own strategic reasons, write a short description of the audience.
    Membership Duration

  7. Click the "Create Segment" button. The audience is pushed via Google Ads' approval procedure in this final phase (which can take up to 24 hours).