Google Ads

Keyword Planning: Volume and Cost Estimates

You can use Keyword Planner to get insights into how keywords might perform. Google draws on historical search data to make estimates of what you might get from a set of keywords based on your spending. These forecasts can help you decide how to group your keywords and set your bids. To get search volume and forecasts - Sign in to your Google Ads ( account. - Click the Tools and settings icon from the upper right corner menu, then under "Planning", then click K...

Finding Competitors’ Keywords

Here we’ll show you how you can spy on your competitors. This is going to be a very important part not only with gathering information about what kind of keywords they're paying for but also where they are getting traffic from generally. Doing a quick Google search with one of the keywords that you want to use will provide you with the competitors who are also bidding for that same keyword. From there you can get their website URL and use spy sites that will help you get more information about ...

Keyword Research: Finding Keywords

We have multiple ways of looking for keywords and we’ll provide some that are working for us. 1. Using Keyword Planner Tool: - Sign in to your Google Ads ( account. - Click the tools and settings icon from the upper right corner menu, then under "Planning", click Keyword Planner - Click Discover new keywords. - There are 2 ways to discover new keyword ideas: - Start with keywords: Enter words related to your products or services. You can separate multip...

Finding and Listing Negative Keywords

The Negative Keywords list is a list of negative keywords that we can apply for different levels of our Google apps account. These keywords work as a filter. You can have an account negative keyword list or a campaign specific negative keyword list. In your account negative keywords list, you can include keywords that you never want to trigger your ads. These negative keywords will be applied to all of the ads in that account regardless of the campaign, or ad group while a campaign specific n...

Calculating Max CPC Bid

In order to calculate your max CPC bid, you’ll have to first determine the following: - Conversion rate - if we don't know our conversion rate so we're gonna have to assume and make a calculated guess. - Breakeven return on ad spends (ROAS) - how much money you need to earn back in order to break even which can be calculated from the profit margin - Average order value - The average of how much are you making in total value from those orders. For this example, let’s assume that our...

Quality Score

Quality Score is Google’s rating of the quality and relevance of both your keywords and ads. It is used to determine your cost per click (CPC) and multiplied by your maximum bid to determine your ad rank in the ad auction process. Quality Score is calculated based on the combined performance of 3 components: - Clickthrough rate (CTR): The likelihood that your ad will be clicked when shown. - Ad relevance: How closely your ad matches the intent behind a user's search. - Landing page qua...

Ad Rank

Ad Rank is the display position of your ad. It’s a value that's used to determine your ad position (where ads are shown on a page relative to other ads) and whether your ads will show at all. Getting top Ad rank will let your ads get the most click-through rates and get the most and the first attention and it generally has the highest conversions. Ad Rank is calculated using your bid amount and your quality score. Also, ad positioning can change depending on the following factors: - Co...

Split Testing

Split Testing is basically duplicating a campaign or an ad group or an ad and changing one thing. It could be changing locations, keyword lists, headlines, etc. The important aspect of split testing is to see which feature is the best. This test is a fantastic way to gather data and understand how to further optimize your campaigns. In order to do split testing, you can copy the campaign, ad group, or ad that you want another version of and paste it. You just need to make the changes to the c...


Remarketing ads allow your business to show targeted ads to the users who visited your website and didn’t complete a conversion. Past visitors will see these ads while they are browsing the web, watching YouTube videos, or reading news sites. The first step in putting this plan into action is to set up a remarketing audience in Google Ads ( This audience can be created using either a Google Ads All Visitors list or an All Users list (sourced from Analytics). Here are t...

Managing Multiple Accounts (MCC)

If you’re an agency or someone who manages multiple Google Ads accounts, a manager account ( is a powerful tool that could save you time. A manager account is a Google Ads account that lets you easily view and manage multiple Google Ads accounts including other manager accounts from a single location. How to create a manager account - Visit the Google Ads manager ( and click Create a m...


The payment methods available for your account will depend on your country and currency. Without proper billing options, you can’t use all the benefits that Google Ads offers. In this guide, we will show you how to set them up. 1. Log in to your Google Ads account ( 2. Click the tool icon, then click on the “Billing settings“. 3. Now you need to choose Payments Setup like Billing Country and Currency. 4. In the next step, you need to fill in additional i...

Negative Keywords

A negative keyword works as a filter. You can use it to remove themes that don’t fit what you’re doing to ensure your ads will not be shown for those themes. It’s when you put the minus sign ahead of the word. Use this to filter customers and make sure that we get the targeted customers that we are looking for and we're also going to need to learn when to use which negative match type. Match types: Broad negative keyword MATCH TYPE KEYWORD EXAMPLE WILL NOT TRIGGER A...

Keyword Match Types

Match types decide how you will match your keywords against your customers' search terms. These match types are essential to profitable ads. - Understanding their difference is going to make it or break it because you're going to be competing with ranking and targeting completely different customers with completely different keywords depending on how you are matching. - You're also going to be spending different amounts of bids, different amounts of sums and having different conversio...

Keyword Organizing

Keyword organizing is basically how you’re gonna set up your ad group Organize by theme — this means that all of the keywords that make sense for a single ad needs to be placed in one single group which is called an ad group. So whenever this ad is triggered, you need to make sure that every single keyword that has the possibility of triggering a certain ad needs to be thematically related. - Based on their differences Funnel location — one of the themes we could organize by. AIDA ...

Keyword Planning

Bid strategy – understand which bidding strategy you will be using - The further ahead that we get with our data – we're creating more campaigns, ad groups, and finding more keywords – the chances of using an automatic bidding strategy increases. - If we're in the beginning we're gonna go with manual CPC anyhow. Segmenting targeted & peripheral keywords - Targeted keywords – when you know the intention of the customer or the person who is doing the search. - Peripheral keywo...

What is Keyword Research

Keyword research — one of the most important things that we'll be doing to set the foundation to have successful ads. What is the goal of doing keyword research? – Finding profitable keywords What is it that we are actually looking for? – Estimated volume and cost (which is done in the keyword planner) Understand your customer - In order to do proper valuable and long term keyword research you need to understand your customers. - One of the best ways to understand how people would be ...

Understanding Keywords

Keywords matches search terms to trigger ads How Google actually decides which ad gets to show? - Google ads can be described as a big auction house. - When you set your maximum bid that means that’s the maximum amount that you are willing to pay. If your bid is too low then the competitor is going to win. - In order for Google to know which ad it’s going to show, it's first going to be looking at all of the different available keywords from all of our different competitors. - Then,...

Install Website Conversion Tracking

Event Snippet – conversion tracking code There are 2 ways to install it: Installing the snippet: - Log in to your WP admin dashboard and go to “Pages”. - If you’ve chosen “page load” then open the page where your customers reach after completing a conversion. If you’ve chosen “Click” then open the page that you’d like to track for clicks. - Copy the code and paste it on the page but before that, you’re gonna need to add HTML. - Click on the plus icon and type in “HTML”. ...

Install Global Site Tag

See code for: You have 2 options here – (1) HTML and (2) AMP. You’re only going to be working on HTML so select it from the drop-down list. Global site tag: When someone visits your website and you have the global site tag installed then you are going to be creating a cookie on them. That's going to stick on them and follow them around not only on your website but also outside of it. And because these cookies stuck on them, that allows you to do things such as remarketing towards them. You n...

Generate Conversion Tracking Code

Create a conversion tracking code. - Go to your Google Ads dashboard - Click “Tools & Settings” and select “Conversion - Click the plus icon and select one from the 4 options. Most of the time you're going to be using website conversion tracking especially considering how many different things you can be tracking and most of the things and most of your sales are probably going to be happening here. - Category: Select the action that you would like to track. ...

Overview of Conversion Tracking

Conversion tracking – allows you to get really clean data so that you can compare how much you’re spending on ads and how much you are profiting. You’re getting instant feedback about an action taken by people Conversion = desired action - purchase/sale - sign-up to an email list - lead - having them visit important pages Tracks back campaign, ad group, and keyword – if someone made a purchase, you want to know what campaign it was that they made a purchase from, what ad grou...

Successful Text Ads Principles

How your text ads are gonna be looking like is going to be decided by Google but it’s always gonna show the following: - Headline 1 & 2 - URL - Description (at least 1) Successful Text Ads Principles - Prioritize headlines and make sure to include all the most valuable information - Highlight your novelty: One of the most important ways of making your ads stand out. If there is something that you have but your competitors don’t have make sure to highlight that and use it in t...

Ads Rules

What are the things you cannot write and do when it comes to your ad copy? - You can’t write anything offensive such as cursing, insulting or insinuating, weapon, gambling, alcohol, smoking, pornography, etc. - You can’t write your headlines or descriptions in all capital letters. You can only use big first letters. - You can’t add extra spaces in your ad copies. - You are not allowed to have non-specific call-to-actions (CTA’s). Example: If you have a ‘click here’ CTA but then you di...

Set Up Your Ads Group

How to Access Ad Group Settings You can access the ad group settings when you’re done with the campaign settings. When you’re still in the campaign settings tab, all you have to do is click “Save and continue” and it’ll take you to the ad group settings. The first thing that you can set up is the ad group type. Standard – this type is recommended when you’re just starting out; this gives you the ability to use your own values, get the cleanest data possible, and understand how to optimize. ...

Ads Group Structure

What Are Ad Groups and How Do They Work An ad group contains one or more ads that share the same target. It is used to organize your ads by a common theme. You set a bid, or price, to be used when an ad group's keywords trigger an ad to show. You can also set prices for individual keywords within the ad group. Ad Group Structure Organize by themes – the most effective way to set up your ad groups. Example #1: Small business/website/product catalog Example #2: Medium business/webs...

Location Extensions

Location extension is used to guide people to the correct place. If it is present in the ad, people can just click on it and be guided straight to the location. The advertiser gets charged if a user clicks on the extension. If you have a Google My Business (GMB) account and you already have an address associated with this account then chances are that they are going to be adding in these extensions automatically and you will have to opt out in order to make sure that these extensions aren't au...

Audiences: Targeting

The first thing that you can do with an audience is do a search. You're gonna get a couple of different options which you can choose from. Before you select an audience, make sure to check the details to know more about those groups of people. Just hover your mouse over it and you're gonna get an explanation. Select the ones that are appropriate for your business by ticking the small box. Audiences that you’ve chosen are gonna be displayed at the right-hand side: You can also browse b...

Price Extensions

Once Google actually uses this extension for your ad it takes up a lot of space on the page and a lot of space means better visibility which results in higher click through rates and higher conversions. When you're doing a price extension you're very open about what the prices are for your different products. That is going to help you with your conversion rates and save money on those clicks where people click on your ad, look at the price and leap if it’s too expensive for them. You can actual...

Promotion Extensions

Promotion extension is incredibly powerful especially for e-commerce businesses that allows you to put out an ad with a deal. To add a promotion extension, click on “More asset types” and select “+Promotions”. Fill out the required fields. You don’t have to pick an occasion for the deal but there are a couple of different occasions that you can add if there is that sort of location. For example you have a deal on Father's Day and you add a father's day extension. The great benefit with ...

Message Extensions

Message extension is a mobile-only extension that allows you to set up an automated message or a pre-written message for your customers to click and send to you. Go to the Google Ads dashboard and click “Ads and extensions” then click on “Extensions”. Click and select “Message extension”. Select where you want it to be added to. Fill out the necessary fields. Click on “Advanced options” if you want to set up a scheduling for the extension. Click “Save” when you are done. 💡Best practic...

Lead Form Extensions

Google noticed that lead form submission or just leads coming from mobiles had a very low conversion rate. For this reason, they decided to make an extension called lead form extension where people can fill out the form directly from the ad. To add a lead form extension, click on “More asset types” and select “+Lead Forms”. View and accept the terms of service then start creating your lead form by supplying the necessary fields. The background image can be anything that enhances your...

App Extensions ( App ads focus specifically on having your app downloaded from the app. App extension is an extension of the primary ad with the ability to download your application. To add an app extension, click on “More asset types” and select “+Apps”. Choose if you're going to be on Android or iOS wherever you have your app. And if y...

Structured Snippet Extensions

What Is a Structured Snippet Extension - It is a header with added values - You can use a maximum of 2 headers - Google prefers structured snippet extensions over callout extensions that means that if you have a structured snippet extension, if you're actually able to add in these values into your ad then you have a higher chance of actually extending your ad once it’s showing for someone. - This is used for displaying product and service info How to Set Up To add a structured snip...

Call Extensions

A call extension lets you add your phone number to your ad like the example below: How does it work with the bidding and the payment? If you click on this ad well then whoever set up this ad is going to have to pay whatever they had to bid for this ad for the keywords or whatever. If you call it's going to work the same – they're still going to have to pay they're still going to have to pay the same regardless if you answer or not. If someone clicks on the link and the site doesn't even load...

Sitelink Extensions

When you are searching for something on Google and an ad pops up it might also contain something that are called extensions. Site link extensions are link extensions to different areas of our site. When you are doing a site link extension, you’ll need to first add the main website of your URL. Then you can add the other areas or pages of your site – Contact Us, FAQ, Blog, etc. It is recommended to use site link extensions and take up as much space as possible by adding other extensions such a...

Ad Rotation

To access Ad Rotation, click on “Show more settings” right below the bidding section and then click “Ad Rotation”. There are two supported options that you can choose from: You need to understand the relationship that ads have to keywords and search terms, and also how they are governed in an ad group. Ads and keywords work on the same level of hierarchy If you want a specific ad to be triggered by specific keywords, you’ll need to create a unique ad group for that. Search term i...

Ad Schedule

To set the ad schedule, click “Show more settings” found below the bidding section. Then click “Ad schedule” to open it up. When should you be running your ads? If you’re a beginner, run it 24/7 because you want to get that data. You want to know when you are getting conversions and at which times. When to change the ad schedule? Identify the peak time for your business – that’s when you set the schedule. This is the time when you want to bid more aggressively. You can increase the bids ...

Ad Schedule

In the ad schedule, you’ll be allowed to display ads or change bids during certain times. You can create a maximum of 6 ad schedules per day for each campaign in your account. To create a new ad schedule, please follow these steps: - Sign in to your Google Ads account ( - From the page menu on the left, click +Show more, and then click Ad schedule. - Click the pencil icon , then select a campaign to create an ad schedule for. - Make your selections...

Ad Formulas

Here's a summarized description of the different ads and formulas on how to calculate them. - CPM (Cost Per Mille) - (Cost / Impressions) x 1000 - The rate paid per thousand impressions when buying traffic. - CPC (Cost per Click) - Cost x Clicks - The price paid for every click when buying traffic. - CTR (Click Through Rate) - (Clicks / Impressions) x 100 - The percentage of people that click an advertisement they have displayed. For instance, if you show an ad to 100 people and 5 of th...

Manual CPC

Manual CPC is what always works in the beginning or at least it creates the grounds to make things work. It is generally the most profitable and flexible strategy. To select Manual CPC, go to Bidding and click the dropdown. It is the last item on the list. - CPC stands for Cost Per Click. You get to decide how much you want to pay per click. - You can set the Max Bids - You have full control of bids - It’s best at gathering clean data - You’re going to need to have conversion ...

Automated Bid Strategies

Target CPA - CPA stands for Cost Per Acquisition - An acquisition basically means whenever you’re gonna get something - The idea is to maximize conversions at a certain cost. Example: Digital Marketing Agency Conversion Action = call-up Call-up conversion rate: 25% Average Job Value: $300 $300 x 0.25 = $75 - Based on the example, your goal is to get calls for less than $75 - This strategy doesn’t care about the cost per click (CPC) it only cares about the cost per acquis...


Bidding – how are you willing to pay and what are you willing to pay for - Conversions – cannot be selected if you have a new account - Conversion value – cannot be selected if you have a new account - Impression share – There's a total amount of impressions that you can get when you target a certain keyword. If you select this option, you’ll need to specify how many of those impressions you want to get to show your ads for. - Clicks – when someone clicks on your ad Set a maximum ...


Campaign budget – how much you are willing to pay for each campaign and ad group Daily Budget – daily budget is calculated from a monthly perspective - Example: If you set your daily budget to $100, you’ll have to multiply it by 30.40 (average amount of days in a month). The result will be your campaign budget limit every single month. Long-term: plan monthly – for long-term planning, you’ll have to plan monthly; know what daily budget ends up with per month Short-term: plan for doubl...

Audiences: Type

Audience – the one watching your ads or your prospects. Different types of audience: - Detailed demographics – reach users based on Parental Status, Marital Status, Education, Home-ownership Status - Affinity & Custom affinity – reach users based on what they are passionate about, their habits and interests - In-market – reach users based on their recent purchase intent - Remarketing & Similar Audiences – remarketing means reaching users who visited your website and showing them rele...

Location Targeting

You can access “Locations” in the “Targeting and audience segments” section of the campaign settings. 💡It’s not always profitable to target all countries even though you can because some are going to have higher bid rates, some are going to have higher conversion values, and some are going to be more worthwhile.💡 Here are your options: - target all countries and territories (not recommended) - target the country that you’re currently living in - target a specific location To ent...

Audiences: Type

The audience is the ones who are watching your ads or your prospects. They also represent a group of people, who have similar interests and intents. You’ll see the different types of audiences above and the additional explanations below: - Detailed Demographics - Parental Status, Marital Status, Education, Homeownership Status, & Employment - Affinity and Custom Affinity - Interests and hobbies - In-market - What they are actively researching or planning - Remarketing & Si...

Location Targeting

Google Ads location targeting allows your ads to appear in the geographic locations that you choose: countries, areas within a country, a radius around a location, or location groups, which can include places of interest, your business locations, or tiered demographics. Location targeting helps you focus your advertising to help find the right customers for your business. By default, your ads can show to people in, regularly in, or who've shown interest in your targeted locations. You can als...

Call Ads

Call Ads are designed to encourage people to call your business and can appear only on devices that make phone calls. When a potential customer clicks your ad, the ad places a call to you from their device. In order to create a call ad, you first need to create a call campaign. Call campaigns allow you to focus on getting more calls straight from your ads. Then you can proceed in creating an ad group and begging creating your call ads. Below are the steps on how to create call ads: To create ...

Dynamic Search Ads

Dynamic search ads are ads that are being created for you based on your websites. This is NOT recommended for: - Complete beginners - Advertisers who have small budget - Advertisers who have small website/product catalog You are going to use your website to give Google complete control in setting up the entire ad for you. Recommended budget: 5% (max) of total campaign budget because it doesn’t always work out and it’s highly experimental. How it works: you allow Google to inde...

Campaign URL Options

You can access Campaign URL options if you click “Show more settings” below the Networks section. This is an advanced feature that has to do with third party software tracking. All the tracking that you ever need is already built in and directly connected with Google Analytics. Tracking template – the URL that you’re going to add in order to get all of the information that the ad contains and the activities of the visitor. You can get it from your third party software of the company that ...

Campaign Start and End Dates

You can view the campaign start and end dates if you click “Show more settings” below the Networks section. Here you can set the start date when you want to start running the campaign. For the end date, you can select “None” if you want to keep the campaign running until it’s no longer profitable and just end it manually or pick a specific date when you want the campaign to stop running.

Google Ads Networks

You can access Google Ads Networks in the campaign settings tab, right below the campaign name. Search Network – this allows your ads to show on Google’s partner websites. This option is not recommended for beginners or advertisers who have limited budgets, even if it’s for a search campaign. The reason is that people who use other websites within Google network don’t have the same intent. Those who search on Google are more likely to convert as compared to those who search for the same keywor...

Set Up Your Google Ads Account

NOTE: As you create your Google Ads account, don’t forget to click on "Switch to Expert Mode". It's not for professionals, it just gives us more options and control. This option will allow users to spend as little as possible for the greatest results possible. Setting Up Your Google Ads Account Go to ( If you already have a google or Gmail account, login to that account and go to the URL above. Otherwise, create an account by clicking “Creat...

Google Ads Structure

- Account - Campaign - Ad Groups - Ads - Keywords

How to Fix a Suspended Google Account

Use the following link below and get redirected to the tool that will help you to check if your account is suspended and how to troubleshoot suspension-related issues:

Tips for Creating Effective Google Ads

1. Set a clear objective Before you can get specific with your conversion goals, you’ve got to determine your overall business goals and your advertising goals. Once you’re clear on those things, you can narrow in on what your action plan is. 2. Build a great structure Set things up thoroughly from the beginning, and you’ll be in way better shape to succeed. Take the time to curate everything from campaigns to keywords to ad groups to targeted locations. Your gnome fan site is going to ge...

Google Ads Policies

Google requires that advertisers comply with all applicable laws and regulations ( and the Google policies described below. It's important that you familiarize yourself with and keep up to date on these requirements for the places where your business operates, as well as any other places your ads are showing. When they find content that violates these requirements, they may block it from appearing, and in cases of repeated or egregious violatio...

Call-Only Ads vs Text Ads With Call Extensions

What’s the difference between call-only ads vs text ads with call extensions? With call-only ads, calls are the only action a user can take, no matter where they click. Text ads with call extensions may do a variety of different things in addition to dialing a number, depending on where the user clicks. Text ads always include a headline, a short description of your business, and a display URL; every text ad contains at least one component that links to a landing page somewhere on the web. I...

Set Up Your Google Ads Account

When creating your first Google Ads account, it gives you an option to also create your campaign. In this tutorial, you will only learn how to create your account. Learning how to create a campaign will be discussed in the next tutorial. - Visit ( and sign in to your existing Google Account. - On the “New Campaign” page, click Switch to Expert Mode at the bottom of the screen. - Click Create an account without a campaign to...

Creating a Website Traffic Campaign in Google Ads

Learn how to create a Search campaign in Google Ads. - Sign in to your Google Ads account ( - On the left-side menu, click Campaigns. - Click the plus button, then select New campaign. - Choose Website Traffic as your objective. - Then, select Search for the campaign type. - Enter your website. - Enter the campaign name and click Continue. - On the General Settings page, you will have to re-type the...

How to create a Google Ads campaign from the Keyword Planner

To create a Google Ads campaign from the Keyword Planner - Log into your Google Ads account - Click on Tools and settings from the upper right part of your account and select Keyword Planner - Click on Discover new keywords to find keywords related to your niche - Key in some keywords related to your niche and click the Get results button - You’ll get keyword results and will be able to see the average monthly searches these keywords have as well as the level...

Ad Group Settings and Keywords

Setting up the ad group is the next step after creating your campaign. If you haven’t done the campaign creation yet, click here ( for the step by step guide. - Enter the ad group name. - Enter the default bid. What’s the maximum you’re willing to pay for every click? - Under Keywords, you’ll need to type in your website and your keywords. - Broad Match Type – no brackets or quota...

Creating an Ad in Google Ads

Here you’re gonna learn how to create an ad in Google ads. Before you proceed make sure you have completed the previous step which is setting up the ad group and your keywords ( Google removed the search ad format and what they have now is the Responsive Search Ad which means that you’re gonna give Google some options for your headlines and descriptions and Google is gonna rotate them. On the Create Ad page, these are the det...

Reasons Your Google Ads Aren’t Showing (And How to Fix)

If you’re not seeing your ads in the Ad Preview tool, it could be due to the following reasons: - Your payment didn’t go through. If you’re paying for your Google Ads account via automatic payments, Google will charge you when (1) you reach your pre-set payment threshold or (2) you reach the end of your current billing period. It depends on which happens first. Ensure that the payment information linked to your account is valid and up-to-date for the transactions to go smoothly. If Go...

Google Ads Glossary

This comprehensive Google Ads Glossary can serve as your go-to guide when you’re navigating the waters of Google Ads terminology. Ad Group Ad groups live within your campaigns. An ad group is a bucket of closely-related keywords and the ads they’re attached to. Ad Rank How Google prioritizes ads display. This is determined by your ad’s cost-per-click (CPC) bid and quality score. If you’re interested, you can learn more about the inner workings of the Google Ads auction system. Ad Schedul...