What is Keyword Research

Keyword research — one of the most important things that we'll be doing to set the foundation to have successful ads.

What is the goal of doing keyword research? – Finding profitable keywords

What is it that we are actually looking for? – Estimated volume and cost (which  is done in the keyword planner)

Understand your customer

  • In order to do proper valuable and long term keyword research you need to understand your customers. 
  • One of the best ways to understand how people would be searching for the product you are trying to advertise for is simply to ask someone to search for your product without giving them any hints. Don't condition them with any information beforehand. Just ask them to search for your product and see what they would be searching for.

Top of the funnel keywords

  • Simple search terms that you can make up very easily are at the bottom of the funnel.
  • As the funnel goes down, the intention goes up.
  • Competition in the Action level is very high.
  • In the Desire, Interest, and Awareness levels competition is low because people aren’t very aware of these levels. Less competition means you’re not going to be bidding as much to win the keywords/search terms.
  • So even though we might get customers higher up in the funnel that might mean we'd get lower and less conversion but still we might pay so much less per click that our profitability skyrockets.

Sales Funnel:

Spy on competitors — you can use any tools to see what keywords your competitors are using, how much they are paying, and where they are sending that traffic.

  • You’re getting a lot of tips and tricks from spying on your competitors in order to know what to do next, where to get your keywords, how much to possibly be bidding, estimating your value, estimating your profit, understanding okay how are they handling their keywords, where they are sending their customers, if they are writing contents, offering something for free or are they directing people directly to their sales page.