Sitelink Extensions

When you are searching for something on Google and an ad pops up it might also contain something that are called extensions.

Site link extensions are link extensions to different areas of our site.

When you are doing a site link extension, you’ll need to first add the main website of your URL. Then you can add the other areas or pages of your site – Contact Us, FAQ, Blog, etc.

It is recommended to use site link extensions and take up as much space as possible by adding other extensions such as call and location. By doing so, you are likely to increase your CTR.

Here’s an example of a site link extension:



Adding sitelink extensions

The sitelinks section can be found below the description section. 

Click “+Sitelinks”.

Enter the required info and click “Save”.

We strongly recommend having at least 4 sitelinks because that’s gonna take up as much space as possible and also gonna give as much valuable information and as many options as possible for the searcher.

If you have a big website, add more than 4 sitelinks. You can do that by clicking on “Add sitelink”.

Why do we recommend adding more? Because Google will then rotate them and you are going to get some more data on which one gets the most click.

⚠️Sometimes Google is going to show the descriptions, sometimes not.⚠️


Additional options:

Sitelink URL options – this is for tracking purposes; we already have this information in Google Analytics; and unless you are in any form of agency there's not gonna be a reason to track these certain values.

Advanced options

— Device preference – if you click on mobile, which includes touch pads and cell phones, that doesn't mean that it's not gonna show on desktops, it only means that it's gonna have a preference for the mobile versions.

—  Extension scheduling – lets you schedule a specific sitelink; you could add it in if you have some sort of discounts going on at a certain area of your website, or  if you have some sort of release.

Click “Save” when you’re done.

Once you create the site link extension it’s gonna be saved for future use.