Automated Bid Strategies

Target CPA

  • CPA stands for Cost Per Acquisition
  • An acquisition basically means whenever you’re gonna get something
  • The idea is to maximize conversions at a certain cost.


Digital Marketing Agency

Conversion Action = call-up

Call-up conversion rate: 25%

Average Job Value: $300

$300 x 0.25 = $75

  • Based on the example, your goal is to get calls for less than $75
  • This strategy doesn’t care about the cost per click (CPC) it only cares about the cost per acquisition (CPA).


Target ROAS

  • ROAS stands for Return on Ad Spend
  • ROAS = Revenue / Cost of ads



Revenue = $400

Cost of Ads = 100

ROAS = 4

  • Tracking multiple conversion actions
  • Another bidding strategy that you can use here is increasing the volume by lowering ROAS
  • This is not for beginners. You’re gonna need 15 conversions within the last 30 days.


Maximize Clicks

  • The goal is to get as many clicks as possible and get as much traffic (to your website) as possible.
  • You want to get quick data on a certain behavior
  • Disadvantages: (1) It gives Google control of the CPC; (2) The goal itself is not profitable.
  • Not recommended

Maximize Conversions + Values

  • It puts your full budget towards conversions
  • Conversion Values allows you to change the values of the conversion such as the sales revenue or the profit margin. You’ll be able to maximize one of those.
  • Trusting Google’s algorithm
  • No profitable results

Target Impression Share

  • The goal is to maximize impressions
  • Not a profitable strategy
  • You can get so many impressions but it does not mean you’re gonna get conversions
  • This can be used for brand awareness
  • This strategy tends to have much higher CPC
  • It does not focus on profit
  • Not recommended

CPA and ROAS are 2 strategies that work really well and keep getting better and better.