Creating a Website Traffic Campaign in Google Ads

Learn how to create a Search campaign in Google Ads.

  • Sign in to your Google Ads account.

  • On the left-side menu, click Campaigns.

  • Click the plus button, then select New campaign.

  • Choose Website Traffic as your objective.

  • Then, select Search for the campaign type.

  • Enter your website.

  • Enter the campaign name and click Continue.

  • On the General Settings page, you will have to re-type the campaign name. Then, set up the following:

    1. Networks: Uncheck both Search Network and Display Network

  1. Click Show more settings.

  1. Edit the Ad Schedule and enter the following values:

    • Click the first drop-down and select Mondays-Fridays

    • Set the start time to 9 AM EST

    • Set the end time to 9 PM EST

  1. Location: United States

  2. Languages: English

  3. Set your budget.

  4. For Bidding, select Clicks from the dropdown. Then, tick the checkbox and set the bid limit.

  1. Sitelink extensions: Enter your Sitelink text, Description 1, Description 2, and Final URL. Click on Save.

  2. You can also add a Callout extension. It is an additional text that’s gonna be added to your ad. Examples: Book a Flight, Change a Flight, Cancel or Refund Flight, Contact Us

  3. You can also add Structured snippets or Call extensions.

  4. Click Save and continue.


The next step will be setting up the ad group.