Ad Group Settings and Keywords

Setting up the ad group is the next step after creating your campaign.

If you haven’t done the campaign creation yet, click here for the step by step guide.

  1. Enter the ad group name.

  2. Enter the default bid. What’s the maximum you’re willing to pay for every click?

  3. Under Keywords, you’ll need to type in your website and your keywords.

  • Broad Match Type – no brackets or quotation marks; If somebody types in anything remotely similar to your broad match type keyword, then your ads will show up. If Google determines that whatever search terms somebody types in matches your keyword, your ads are gonna show up. This might not be a good idea if you are low on budget because you might see some really irrelevant search terms. This is good if you have a big budget and you’re okay to test because then you might see some new ideas that you haven’t thought of before.

  • Phrase Match Type – with quotation marks; The words that you have in your keyword must be present in the search term that somebody types in for your ads to show up. If you want to narrow down your audience and get more relevant traffic. You should use phrase match type.

  • Exact Match Type – with brackets before and after the keyword; This is an even more exact and constraint match type. If you want the most exact and the most targeted audience to your keywords that you selected, you should go with exact. Somebody has to type in the keyword exactly for your ads to show up. If somebody types words in after or before or in between the keyword, the ad will not show up.

  1. Click on Save and continue.


Next will be creating the actual ad.