Creating an Ad in Google Ads

Here you’re gonna learn how to create an ad in Google ads.


Before you proceed make sure you have completed the previous step which is setting up the ad group and your keywords.


Google removed the search ad format and what they have now is the Responsive Search Ad which means that you’re gonna give Google some options for your headlines and descriptions and Google is gonna rotate them.


On the Create Ad page, these are the details that you need to fill in:

  • Final URL: Enter the URL of your website (include https)

  • Display Path: This is what shows up to people in your actual ad. This will not affect your actual website.

  • Headlines: Include the keywords that are in the ad group where this ad belongs. You are not allowed to use all caps except for acronyms. You’re also not allowed to have multiple symbols in a row such as “...” or “???” — only have one. Avoid having too many unnecessary quotation marks or symbols.

  • Description: You can make sure of the ideas from the dropdown list. Just click on the empty field and the suggestion will show.

  • Once you’re done, click on Save and continue.


After saving your ad, you will be taken to the Set up Billing page where you'll provide your payment details.