Call Ads

Call Ads are designed to encourage people to call your business and can appear only on devices that make phone calls. When a potential customer clicks your ad, the ad places a call to you from their device.

In order to create a call ad, you first need to create a call campaign. Call campaigns allow you to focus on getting more calls straight from your ads. Then you can proceed in creating an ad group and begging creating your call ads. Below are the steps on how to create call ads:

To create your new ad:

  • Sign in to your Google Ads account

  • Click Ads & Assets

  • Click Ads

  • Click the plus button

  • Select Call ad.

  • Click Select an ad group to save your ad and choose which ad group you want

  • Enter

    • Two headlines (optional, but recommended)

    • Your business name and phone number (required)

    • Two descriptions (the second description is optional)

    • Your Final URL (optional, but recommended)

    • Your Verification URL (optional if a Final URL is provided)

    • A display path (optional)

    • Your display URL and verification URL (optional)
      Under "Conversion action," select a conversion action.

  • Click Save new ad
    Tip: Adding two headlines is recommended, as it allows you to show additional text in your ads. For example, if you’re an insurance company using a headline that shows your business name, your second headline could show your official site, policy details, special offers, or a call to action for customers to get a quote.