Keyword Match Types

Match types decide how you will match your keywords against your customers' search terms.

These match types are essential to profitable ads. 

  • Understanding their difference is going to make it or break it because you're going to be competing with ranking and targeting completely different customers with completely different keywords depending on how you are matching.
  • You're also going to be spending different amounts of bids, different amounts of sums and having different conversions based on what keywords you're using and how you're matching those keywords.

Match types allow you to find new keywords.

  • Broad match, broad match modified, phrase match – whenever they matched with the search terms those statistics and what the total search term was that was used in order to match with your keyword is going to be shown in your Google Dashboard.
  • If you can find some additional keywords that people are searching for and matching with your ads then you'd know that you'd need to do some more keyword research on those words,  get some estimates and maybe create a new ad group with some new organizing.

You can specify your targeting using exact matching if you really know what you want to target.

  • You can be even more exact by using negative matches on certain words.

A really solid Google advertiser is going to be using a mixture of all of the different match types and that is because all of these different match types are going to be offering different results.