Call-Only Ads vs Text Ads With Call Extensions

What’s the difference between call-only ads vs text ads with call extensions?


With call-only ads, calls are the only action a user can take, no matter where they click.


Text ads with call extensions may do a variety of different things in addition to dialing a number, depending on where the user clicks. 


Text ads always include a headline, a short description of your business, and a display URL; every text ad contains at least one component that links to a landing page somewhere on the web. If a user clicks the headline, for instance, they’ll be linked to your website. If you’ve got a location extension in the ad, they can click your address, which might open Google maps. Like call-only ads, when a user clicks on a call extension, the dialer on their device opens up and dials the number to your business. They must hit send to initiate the call.


Both call-only ads and text ads can include ad extensions. Ad extensions are optional components you can include in your ad to communicate additional information.


Call extensions are a specific type of ad extension that can be included as part of a text ad.


A text ad may be configured to display on both desktop and mobile devices, but the call extension will only show up when the ad is being displayed on call-enabled devices.


Choosing between call-only ads vs text ads with call extensions


Call extensions are useful for when you want to make it easy for people to call you, but you’d like to give them the opportunity to visit your website as well. 


Call-only ads are best used when your highest priority is getting people on the phone.