Overview of Conversion Tracking

Conversion tracking – allows you to get really clean data so that you can compare how much you’re spending on ads and how much you are profiting.

You’re getting instant feedback about an action taken by people

Conversion = desired action

  • purchase/sale
  • sign-up to an email list
  • lead
  • having them visit important pages


Tracks back campaign, ad group, and keyword – if someone made a purchase, you want to know what campaign it was that they made a purchase from,  what ad group was triggered, what keyword was triggered, and what ad was used.

Track a certain page after they have taken the desired action.

  • Example #1: If someone signs up to your email list, they will be taken to a Thank You page. That means that everyone who was taken to that page has converted. If you track that page, you can track that conversion.
  • Example #2: If someone makes a purchase, they will be taken to a confirmation page. And by tracking that confirmation page you can track that conversion as well.


You’re gonna need a website with code access. This could be a website that you own or a client’s website which you have access to.

You’re also gonna need a success or confirmation page URL along with a tracking /conversion code