Ad Rotation

To access Ad Rotation, click on  “Show more settings” right below the bidding section and then click “Ad Rotation”.


There are two supported options that you can choose from:


You need to understand the relationship that ads have to keywords and search terms, and also how they are governed in an ad group.


Ads and keywords work on the same level of hierarchy

If you want a specific ad to be triggered by specific keywords, you’ll need to create a unique ad group for that.


Search term is what people type in on Google; Keyword is what’s being activated by the search term; Ad activated by the KW.

Example: 10,000 search terms

In the example above, AD 1 got the most clicks. If you have chosen the “optimize” ad rotation, Google is going to favor AD 1 and keep displaying it much more than the other ads.


If you choose “do not optimize”, Google is going to be aiming to equalize the ads.


The pros and cons of Manual VS Automation (bidding strategy) are going to be similar when it comes to Ad Rotation.


If you choose automation, you’re going to lose out on a little bit of data because Google is going to be optimizing for CTR. But that doesn’t mean that ad is converting any more than any other ad.


If you choose not to optimize you would get much cleaner data. Similarly, you’re gonna be able to see which one has the best conversion rates, which one is the most interesting to go for not only click through wise but also conversion wise and also looking at all of the additional values that might be of interest to you.


💡You’re gonna get a lot more data and control when you choose not to optimize.💡


Recommended: choose “do not optimize”