Keyword Planning

Bid strategy – understand which bidding strategy you will be using

  • The further ahead that we get with our data – we're creating more campaigns, ad groups, and finding more keywords – the chances of using an automatic bidding strategy increases.
  • If we're in the beginning we're gonna go with manual CPC anyhow.


Segmenting targeted & peripheral keywords

  • Targeted keywords – when you know the intention of the customer or the person who is doing the search.
  • Peripheral keywords –  the person doing the search has a different intention; they are looking for something but it might not be a product, it may primarily be educational content but that just means that they are higher up in the buyers funnel and they don't yet understand that your product might solve their problem.

Why do we want to segment these types of keywords? That is because a targeted keyword is going to be more expensive and most likely way more saturated.

Most companies/marketers will go for the targeted keywords and you should too. But it is also highly recommended that you learn how to find profitable peripheral keywords – that is really going to set you apart.

The bottom of the buyer’s funnel is the most expensive but as you go higher up in the funnel, the cost per click is also going down because they will be a hard customer to convert.

Create educational content for people in the upper levels who are looking for information for something so that they can learn. 

  • If you don’t have educational content, hire writers from Upwork or Fiverr to do the content.


Budget: 80/20

  • As a general rule, put your budget in an 80/20 fashion — 80% of your budget should go towards scaling and optimizing what is already working.
  • If you don't have anything right now, put 80 to 90 percent into targeted keywords.

Understanding that different campaigns are going to have different competitors. An important part of planning is scanning different competitors.