Call Extensions

A call extension lets you add your phone number to your ad like the example below:

How does it work with the bidding and the payment? If you click on this ad well then whoever set up this ad is going to have to pay whatever they had to bid for this ad for the keywords or whatever. If you call it's going to work the same –  they're still going to have to pay they're still going to have to pay the same regardless if you answer or not.

If someone clicks on the link and the site doesn't even load, the advertiser will still have to pay. The same thing will happen if someone calls the number and no one picks up.

Setting up a Call Extension and Tracking Them

To add a call extension, click on “More asset types” and select “+Calls”.

Then, select the country and input the phone number. 

For “Conversion action” you have two options to choose from:

Use account settings (Calls from ads) — this is what we recommend you select because if this is selected, what will happen is that the number is going to be forwarded to a Google number which will be renewed approximately every 90 days. Advantage: This option will let you track everything – search term, keyword, how the ad looked like, actions performed by the user, area code, etc. Disadvantage: The number that you entered when you create your call extension is not going to be shown on the actual ad, instead it will display one of Google’s numbers.

None —  if this is selected, it will display the same phone number you entered when you create your call extension. This is perfect if you want to do any form of branding and you want to make sure that people will learn your phone number over time. Disadvantage: That is not going to be trackable.


If you want to specify the schedule for your extension, go to “Advanced options” and select the days and times.

Don’t forget to hit “Save” when you’re done.