Prepare to Run Paid Ads on Facebook

Create a Facebook Ads Account Using Business Manager

Goal: To create a Business Manager account and Facebook Ad Account for your business. Ideal Outcome: You will have a Business Manager account ready to manage all your Facebook Assets and share them with your employees securely. You will have created your Facebook Ad Account and set your Payment Method. Prerequisites or Requirements: You will need a personal Facebook account. Why is this important? Facebook’s Business Manager allows you to easily manage multiple pages and ad accounts, whil...

Create a Facebook Page in Business Manager

Goal: To create a Facebook Page which you will use to run paid ads for your business. Prerequisites or requirements: You will need a personal Facebook account and a Facebook Business Manager account. If you don’t have a Facebook Business Manager account, go to Lesson 1 ( to learn how to create one. Where is this done? In Facebook’s Business Manager. When is this done? Before launching your paid ads ca...

Verifying ownership of your domain in Facebook Business Manager

Goal: Verifying your domain in Facebook Business Manager. Ideal Outcome: Facebook is able to correctly verify ownership of your site. Prerequisites or Requirements: You should have created a Business Manager account for your site (you can follow Create a Facebook Ads Account Using Business Manager ( to learn how to do that). Plus, you’ll need to have access to your domain registrar (e.g. Namecheap, GoDaddy, etc.) ...

Installing the Facebook Pixel on Your Site using Facebook for WordPress

Goal: To add the Facebook pixel to your site. Ideal Outcome: The Facebook pixel is properly installed without any technical issues. Prerequisites or Requirements: You can only do this once you have your landing page setup. You should have also already set up a Facebook Ads Account using Business Manager. Why is this important? Facebook Pixel is essential if you want to use Facebook advertising. With this pixel, you can create remarketing audiences and set up conversions for your campaigns. ...

Facebook Pixel Helper

The Facebook Pixel Helper is a troubleshooting tool that helps you find out if your pixel is working correctly. Once you install the Chrome plugin, you can see if there's a Facebook pixel installed on a website, check for errors and understand the events that your pixel is receiving. The Facebook Pixel Helper can offer tips on how to improve your pixel's performance, including suggestions to: - Log actions that take place on your website. Place your Facebook pixel base code in the header...

Warming up Your Facebook Page by Running a Page Like Campaign

Here are the steps on how to create a page like campaign: - Log in to Business Manager ( - Select the right Business Manager account. - Go to Ad Accounts and select the right ad account. - Click on “Open in Ads Manager”. - Click on “Create”. - Select "Engagement". - Click on "Page likes". - Name your campaign and fill out the details for Ad Set and Ad. Click on "Continue...

Facebook Business Verification

You can start the business verification process by just going to Security Center and clicking on Start Verification. In some accounts, this option may not be visible so you need to do some extra steps in order to get that Start Verification button to appear. Here’s what you should do: - Go to ( and click log in. - Enter your Facebook account credentials. - Go to My Apps. - Click on Create App. ...