Facebook Business Verification

You can start the business verification process by just going to Security Center and clicking on Start Verification.


In some accounts, this option may not be visible so you need to do some extra steps in order to get that Start Verification button to appear.


Here’s what you should do:

  1. Go to https://developers.facebook.com/ and click log in.

  2. Enter your Facebook account credentials.

  3. Go to My Apps.


  1. Click on Create App.

  1. Select Gaming and click on Next.


  1. Enter the Display Name, App Contact Email, and choose the right Business Account. Then, click Create App.


  1. It’s gonna ask you to enter your Facebook password.

  2. Then it will take you to the App Dashboard. Click on App Review then Permissions and Features.

  1. Look for gaming_user_locale and click Request.

  1. Click on Continue.

  2. Click on Review your app settings.

  1. Fill out the following:

    1. Upload an app icon. It can be any image as long as it has the correct size.

    2. Privacy Policy URL: you can use your own URL here or just put https://www.google.com/

    3. Data Deletion Callback URL: just enter https://www.google.com/

    4. App Purpose: select yourself or your own business

    5. App Category: select any sub-category

  1. Click on Save.

  2. Go back to your Facebook Business Manager account and click Security Centre. You should be able to see the verification section. Click on the button to start the verification process.

  1. Enter your business details and make sure it matches your official business documents. Once you're done filling out the info, Facebook is going to search some public databases and try to find your business.

  2. Look at the list and if you see your business name, select that and click next. Otherwise, click on None of these match and Facebook is going to ask you to upload your legal documents.

  3. It will ask you to verify your business address or phone number. You can choose either.

  4. It’s gonna prompt you to choose the verification method.

  5. Then, you will submit your application for verification which usually takes 3 days but sometimes a little longer.