Warming up Your Facebook Page by Running a Page Like Campaign

Here are the steps on how to create a page like campaign:

  1. Log in to Business Manager.

  2. Select the right Business Manager account.


  1. Go to Ad Accounts and select the right ad account.

  1. Click on “Open in Ads Manager”.

  1. Click on “Create”.

  1. Select "Engagement".

  1. Click on "Page likes".



  1. Name your campaign and fill out the details for Ad Set and Ad. Click on "Continue".



  1. Turn on Campaign Budget Optimization and enter your daily budget.



  1.  Click on the Ad Set and set the following:


  • Location: Worldwide

  • Age: 18-65+

  • Gender: All genders

  • Languages: All languages

  • Remove any existing connections

  • Placement: Automatic Placements

  1. Go to the actual ad. Upload an image and enter the Primary Text.


  • To upload an image, click on the drop-down menu and select “Change media”.


  • Click on “Upload” and select the image that you want to use.


  • Once you’ve selected the image, click on “Continue”.



  1. After adding an image and your Primary Text, click on “Publish”.