Duplicating Winning Campaigns

This article will show you how to duplicate a winning campaign.



  1. Make sure you’re inside the right Business Manager account.

  2. Click on ‘All Tools’ or the icon from the left hand menu.


  1. You will be taken to the Campaigns page. Select the right Ad Account from the drop-down list.



  1. Identify the campaign that’s performing the best. Click on the checkbox beside the campaign name and click on “Duplicate”.

  1. Click on “Duplicate”.

  1. It’s going to take you to this page:

  1. We recommend you close that pop-up window and the other one because sometimes it has some glitch. Just click on the “x” button.



Then, click on the duplicate campaign from the Campaigns tab. Click on “Edit”.


  1. If you want to remove an ad from the duplicate campaign, just click on “…”  and choose “Delete”.

  1. A pop-up window will appear. Click on “Delete” to completely remove the ad.

  1. Edit the name of the ad if you must.

  1. Get another number from Publisher Dashboard and assign it to the duplicate campaign.

  2. Edit the campaign name accordingly.

  3. Open the ad and replace the phone number with the new one.

  1. Click on “Publish”.