Creating a Facebook Lead Form Ad

Here you are going to learn how to create a Facebook lead form ad


  • First, open your Facebook Ad account by clicking

  • Click the +Create green button which will let you start the campaign creation process

  • Set the buying type to Auction. Under Consideration, choose Lead generation and then click Continue


  • Then set a campaign name that should be related to the offer that you’re running

  • Turn on the Campaign Budget Optimization and set your daily budget and hit the Next button

            Note: Start with a small budget like $50 and test for a few days and scale from there

  • Set a name for your Ad set and under the Lead method, select Instant Forms

  • The next step is to integrate your Facebook page into the campaign. It can be done by using the drop-down menu under Page if you have pre-created a page related to the offer or choose to create a new page by selecting the + button

  • If you’re creating a new page, this wizard will show up and you just need to fill in the required details

  • Under Audience, make sure that you are in the Create New Audience tab

  • For the location, change it to People living in this location to exclude people who are traveling

  • Make sure to set the correct location depending on the serviceable locations of the offer. If it doesn’t cover the whole United States, you can click the Add Locations in Bulk

  • Then you’ll be able to select the location type based on Regions or States

  • And key in the locations found in the offer details

  • If you have saved locations on your Facebook Ad account, you can just click Browse, Saved locations, and choose the name of the saved locations

  • Select the targeted Age, Gender, Detailed Targeting, and Languages

  • You can also edit the Placements by changing it to Manual Placements, then select depending on where you want your ad showing. Once set, hit Next to work on your creatives

  • The first thing that you’ll have to check on the Ad page is that you should put in an Ad name, make sure that the correct FB page is selected and that you are under Create Ad in the Ad Setup field.

  • Under Ad Creative, start filling out the Primary Text, Headline, and Description

            Note: You can use to create messages in bold that will grab the attention of your viewers

  • Before proceeding with creating the form, you need to signup as a publisher and be approved for the offer to have your tracking number. If you have not signed up as a publisher, visit, and on the upper right portion of the page, click on the Publisher Signup button.

            Note: After registration, you’ll get an email with steps on how to apply to our available offers.

  • Once you have an available tracking number from the offer, you can start creating Instant Form by clicking on the Create Form button


  • And the form wizard will open up

  • After naming the form, go to the Settings tab, set the Language to English, and under Sharing, set it to Open

  • Under Intro, you can select the Background Image, type in your Headline and Description of the form


  • Under Questions, click the Add Question button and select multiple choice type of question for your to create your survey and provide options to survey takers

  • Type in your question and add as many possible answers to the question is. You can add a yes or no type of question or a question with several answer options

  • You can also add a Short Answer type of question if you’d like to ask for Zip Codes and the likes

  • Prefill question field is where you can select the type of information that Facebook prefills using their account details. Like the First Name, Email, Phone Number, etc. Make sure to add a description to it


  • Next is the Privacy field where you can put on your TCPA disclaimer to be allowed to contact the leads via SMS. We provide a sample copy of it

  • For the privacy link, you can put the domain that you have for the offer. If you don’t have one, you can buy from

  • The Completion field is where you set your Call to Action pitch. Make sure to include a compelling Headline and Description. Set the Call to Action Button to Call Business and Type in the Call to Action text then include your offer tracking number

  • Once everything is set and double-checked, you can now click on the Publish button. After publishing, the form can’t be edited