Types of Facebook Ad Campaigns (Click to Call, Traffic to LP, Lead Form)

Facebook Click-to-Call Ads

You can use call ads to encourage people to call your business to place an order, receive more information or schedule an appointment.

When creating a call ad, you can use either a regular call ad or a call extension ad.

If you use a regular call ad, your image or video ad appears with a Call Now button.

When people see your ad, they can tap the image, video or Call Now button to directly call your business. Then, the call dialer opens on their phone, prefilled with the number you set as the destination. After that, they are prompted to call but can still exit out of the screen.

Facebook Lead Ads (Lead Form)

Lead ads allow you to search for people who may be interested in your products/services and collect information from them.

Using an Instant Form, you can collect contact information such as name, email address, phone number etc.

These forms allow you to include custom questions which can help you understand your potential customers and reach your business goals.

Lead ads are used for:

  • Identifying potential customers for your business
  • Collecting subscriber information for your newsletter
  • Understanding the interests and behaviors of potential clients
  • Getting people to enroll in your programs

Lead ads appear in Facebook/ Instagram Feed, Facebook/Instagram Stories, Instant Articles, In-Stream Videos, and Marketplace.

When people click on your ad, they will be prompted to fill out your form. Once they submit the form, you can download your leads data directly from Ads Manager or Facebook Business Suite, or connect to a CRM system such as Mailchimp or Salesforce, or create a Zapier follow-up automation.


Traffic to LP

You can drive traffic to your landing page through Facebook ads. 

When users click on your Facebook ad, they will be taken to a website page where they can register for an event, view and purchase a product, learn more about your business, download a resource, call your company, etc.,

Your landing page can be a tab on Facebook or an off-site page created specifically for individual ad campaigns.

If your landing page is an off-site page, you need to connect it with your Facebook ad account by installing a pixel. Refer to this process to install the Facebook pixel on your site: